Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Educational Narrative-Long Island University of Brooklyn Educators

Question: Compose an article on Educational Narrative? Answer: Presentation: This article principally centers around the impact of class, sexual orientation and race on learning and instructing in urban structure of youngsters and youth. This article likewise gives the most profound and reasonable comprehension of Knowledge, Enquiry, Empathy, Pluralism and Social Commitment. This article uncovers that the urban setting is viewed as a significant determinant of training for learning and instructing of kids and youth. The urban setting speaks to the natural and social circumstances that update the encounters of individual, networks and gatherings. As same as the past occasions now likewise instruction in the formalized setting of school and study halls is the procedure of individual showing another individual the encompassing scene. In this specific situation, each part of students and the educators character is a significant factor in the training procedure. So the issues of class, sexual orientation and race assumes a job in the instruction is assimilated and imported. The elements of class, race and sexual orientation impact the lives of everybody, including access to training frameworks of kids and young people. As in a urban setting, informing the instructive exploration and talk on disparity read as though prejudice influenced to just those from minority networks and by shade of individuals who can't exist without the concurrent advantaging and privileging by greater part network and sexual orientation influenced just ladies. Diagnostically, the issues of class, sex and race can be dealt with independently (Tallerico, Poole Burstyn, 1994). KEEPS Mission: KEEPS crucial the ideal characteristics of Long Island University of Brooklyn Educators. This strategic as; KNOWLEDGE and scholarly interest in schools, world and youngsters, ENQUIRY or the solid control of reflection, perception, and non-judgemental describtion of school work and kids likewise detail request of expert prsctice and instructing, EMPATHY that leans back on the limit and uniqueness of individual to develope and furthermore receptiveness to the premiums and necessities of networks and urban students, PLURALISM and focus to incorporation and to diiferentiate in the network inclining of shool and the adequate society, SOCIAL COMMITMENT and exhibiting proficient duty, moral conduct and scholastic respectability to fabricate equitable society. Effect: Race, sexual orientation and social class are the issues which identify with tutoring have consideration from urban teachers and students. As, these issues are predominantly used to shape significant gatherings of individuals in the general public for the most part having individuals like minorities, poor and ladies. A collaboration of sex and race can influence the understudies recognition about the issues of racial mix. The socially gathered classifications of class, race and sexual orientation builds up social personalities that shape the encounters and culture of individuals and furthermore find society and individual inside national, social and worldwide social structures.Social imbalance experienced and depicted along lines of class, sex and race assists with deciding the need of proficiency and students experience and its effect on youngsters and youth in urban setting (McCarthy, 1996). These imbalances have a particular significance to the urban scene. Urban settings are prosperous in decent variety and are comprise of populaces that are a higher minority rate and from a lower foundation of financial than everyone in the nation. Social class is a steady reality that discloses the strategy to move toward the life. An instructor embarks to cause understudies to gain proficiency with the abilities of studies in giving class, however on the off chance that study hall is a financially powerless and the worksheets alluded with spending of individuals on extravagance merchandise, one can promptly watch the distinction among understudies and exercises. For this situation, the worksheet may occupy an understudy extensively from learning the expected expertise for that day (Gillborn, 2015). Exploration and studies are finding that gatherings of minority who live in urban zones are, all the more critically spoke to in the evaluation numbers reflecting gatherings encountering extraordinary neediness. In certain faculties, race is an all the more most likely on the way to impact the training and furthermore a progressively evident marker in a urban setting. Understudy from various locales can raise the issues about the clan in an alternate setting, while an instructor needs to put forth every conceivable attempt to show the realities of history with unbiasedness, as it is realized that individual partialities are hard to dodge and furthermore to assume a job of a goal onlooker. The United States has a bright and a wealthy history of races meeting up (DeMartini Weis, 1989). While it is exceptionally enticing to show an age of future to proceed onward the shameful acts of the past, which can be unreasonable to various races. Race, sexual orientation and social class have influenced the instruction from numerous points of view moreover. As infrequently individuals from racial minority gatherings and a less salary have history with lower instruction. So the youngsters from such families are probably going to have an open door for school instruction (Akom, 2007). So these can be disadvantageous when kids with such foundation are put in a class where other encompassing understudies have had presentation to the composed word. These youngsters might be moderate students however it implies that they are getting a poor start. The instructors must know about significant contrasts and ensure that these kids don't view themselves as poor and feeble understudies. End: At long last it very well may be inferred that training ought to be in a perfect world immaculate by class, sex and race which is an incredible desire for society. In the event that the instructor has a fastidious arrangement of educating, it might leave, an educator with ill-equipped inclination to not recognize the job of class, sex and race. A little concentration and a urging encompassing can assist with going far in helping these impeded kids and young people to get up to speed and there is need of cautious dealing with this with affectability and sympathy. Along these lines, the production of educators is resourced which can provide food the various levels and have an appraisal of rubrics. As future urban instructors, we ought to be able to be progressively receptive to the students who are managing the conditions and circumstances which is affected by proof of differentiation in the public arena and racial contrasts. Also, may be misrepresenting hypothesis and sustain predispo sitions by neglecting to coordinate these issues. It is likewise certain that race, sex and class impact the odds of life of young people in urban setting. References: Akom, A. (2007). Free spaces: uncovering race, class, and sex among urban schools and communities.International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education,20(6), 611-616. DeMartini, J., Weis, L. (1989). Class, Race, and Gender in American Education.Contemporary Sociology,18(4), 623. Gillborn, D. (2015). Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and the Primacy of Racism: Race, Class, Gender, and Disability in Education.Qualitative Inquiry,21(3), 277-287. Malewski, E., Phillion, J. (2009). Universal field encounters: The effect of class, sex and race on the recognitions and encounters of preservice teachers.Teaching And Teacher Education,25(1), 52-60. McCarthy, C. (1996). Racial Inequality in Education: Race, Gender and Class.Education And Society,14(1), 3-23 Miranda, G. (2006). Inconsistent childhoods: Class, race, and family life.Children And Youth Services Review,28(1), 96-99. Morris, E. (2005). Take care of that Shirt! Race, Class, Gender, and Discipline in a Urban School.Sociological Perspectives,48(1), 25-48. Tallerico, M., Poole, W., Burstyn, J. (1994). Ways out from Urban Superintendencies: The Intersection of Politics, Race, and Gender.Urban Education,28(4), 439-454.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Leadership and Management Essays - Leadership, Social Psychology

Administration and Management Essays - Leadership, Social Psychology Anthony P. Moreno LDR/300 Administration and Management January 25th 2016 Unique I will talk about the contrasts among administration and the board with definitions, individual models and models from the content. Initiative is something that we as a whole need in any condition or circumstance that we are in. The executives is basically found in associations and in the workplace. Initiative is a procedure whereby an individual impacts a gathering of people to accomplish a typical goal.(Northouse, 2013) Management is tied in with looking for request, arranging, staffing, dependability, sorting out, and controlling in associations to assist them with working beneficially and deliberately. In the military there are various occupations that every mariner contributes simply like some other activity. A few employments or obligations are a higher priority than others. At my particular employment we have a few heads that are bad at overseeing and we have some administration that are not generally excellent pioneers. For instance, in the event that we have a strategic complete and they oversaw what our crucial, sorted out it, set up our preparation in advance for it and gave us a timetable of when we should land and be back, yet they for the most part dont go on the missions with us. This is the point at which an authority position comes in and dominates. Because a sp ecific strategic oversaw bit by bit something can generally turn out badly with any easily overlooked detail like low fuel, broken part on the plane, not emptying load sufficiently quick and we may miss our time table as a result of these disasters. Administration becomes an integral factor since somebody ventures up and chooses what is best for our wellbeing and decides how we will have the option to proceed with the strategic it must be required to be postponed until we fix what should be fixed. A portion of the distinctive influential positions are inspiration; this job enables the whole group to work with an uplifting attitude since they have somebody who needs them to prevail behind them. Initiative sets up bearing for the group by setting techniques and having the option to clarify of the master plan. Some administration jobs are to compose and give structure like guidelines and techniques. The executives produces request and consistency by additionally controlling and utilizing critical thinking. These jobs are distinctive among administration and the board on the grounds that an administration job is to look for request and a position of authority is to seek after helpful change. As per Northouse (2013), Defining authority as a procedure implies that it's anything but a quality or trademark that dwells in the pioneer, yet rather a value-based even that happens between the pioneer and the supporters. The pioneer isnt brought into the world a pioneer, despite the fact that that is a typical saying. A pioneer builds up a specific aptitudes when in gatherings and plays the job by helping show individuals and urging individuals to prevail to their shared objective. Initiative includes impact. Without impact, administration doesn't exist. (Northouse 2013) The attribute viewpoint proposes that specific people have extraordinary intrinsic or inalienable qualities or characteristics that make them pioneers, and that it is these characteristics that separate them from non pioneers. (Northouse 2013) References Northouse, P. G. (2013). Authority: Theory and practice.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Turning the Tide

Turning the Tide A few months ago the Making Caring Common Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education released a report entitled “Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern for Others and the Common Good through College Admissions,” which talks about ways the college admissions process might “promote greater ethical engagement among aspiring students, reduce excessive achievement pressure, and level the playing field for economically disadvantaged students.” I was very pleased to endorse the report, along with more than 100 of my admissions colleagues at colleges around the country. I think it is a very strong report that will help prospective students and their families by clarifying the expectations that admissions officers have of students â€" and more important, by clarifying what we do not expect. I believe there has been a growing mismatch between what students think they need to do to be strong applicants, and what they actually need to do. In simple terms, we want students to pursue the things that interest them with energy and enthusiasm. We want students to make decisions that are educationally sound for them to best prepare them to succeed in college and beyond. We want students to challenge themselves appropriately in the areas that are most interesting to them. We want students to engage with their community in their pursuits. And, we want students who demonstrate strong ethical character. In short, we want young people to be students and community members first, and applicants second. We don’t want students to do things just because they think they have to. We don’t want students to take advanced classes out of a sense of competition, rather than the joy of learning. We don’t want a laundry list of a million activities. And we don’t want students sacrificing quality for quantity â€" something that is happening far too often. We also don’t want students who have other responsibilities â€" such as taking care of siblings after school or working 20-30 hours a week to support their family â€" or who come from school districts with limited resources and fewer advanced course offerings to feel like they are not going to be strongly considered for admission because of their circumstances. And we don’t want this push for quantity to crowd out interest in the common good. Because when you get to college â€" this is especially true at MIT â€" engaging and collaborating with others is the foundation of our culture and community. Oftentimes we’re asked, what do you really expect of applicants? What specific classes should I take or activities should I be involved in? There is no one answer to this question. At MIT, we admitted 1,511 students this year, and none of them were exactly alike. However, all 1,511 were a great match for MIT. In recent years MIT has strived to emphasize many of the ideas and recommendations highlighted in the Turning the Tide report, and I have heard from current and prospective MIT students and parents, saying how appreciative they are of our efforts. MIT’s mission is to use science, technology, and other areas of scholarship for the betterment of society and we select students who exemplify and will help serve this mission. I have also heard from some who have questions about the report and what our endorsement of it will mean in practice for our admissions process, and I thought I would address those topics here. I think there is a lot of excitement about the prospect of a more transparent admissions process and our “turning down the heat” on students, but also some skepticism as to whether we can actually do it. Our commitment to academic excellence will not waver. We are still looking for students to challenge themselves and stretch themselves, academically and personally. The fact that I have received these questions, however, points out how much quantity and volume have become equated with challenge and excellence. And that is exactly what we are trying to dispel. I believe that quantity and volume can work against excellence. Students who stretch themselves too thin actually learn less than they might if they were more focused. Some have asked if this means we will admit students with lower grades and test scores if they have demonstrated strong commitment to their communities. In fact, this is the very definition of holistic admissions , and we have always looked at students in their entirety. It is true that the academic bar is set very high for MIT, and students have to have very good grades and test scores to demonstrate their ability to handle MIT’s rigorous curriculum, but they don’t have to be perfect and our decisions are made looking at the whole student and their match with MIT. It will not be easier to be admitted to MIT. Our commitment to the principles outlined in the report does not add more space to campus. We remain committed to admitting students with strong academics who are aligned with MIT’s culture, mission, and values. Our admission rate is simply a reality of the number of applicants we have and the limited space on campus. And the fact that we have to turn away very many outstanding applicants doesn’t mean those applicants were not qualified or well-matched for MIT and doing all the right things. In fact, the Turning the Tide report encourages students to worry less about this question. Half a century ago, B. Alden Thresher, MIT’s first admissions director, cautioned students against over worrying about where they went to college, saying a student should not “think of education as something beneficial that will be done to him [sic], [as much as] something he gets for himself [sic].” Indeed, the ultimate goal for a student should not be trying to get into a specific college, but to do things most beneficial for themself as a person and citizen. Whether a student has a great college experience or not is really up to the efforts and outlook that they bring with them. This points out how important the direction of decision-making is for students. A student should first decide what they are interested in, then decide on what classes and activities to pursue, and only then think about which colleges would be a great fit. Too many students go backwards, thinking about the college first, and that is not a recipe for success. At MIT, standardized tests and challenging coursework will continue to be important in our process. Standardized tests provide an important service for us and our students, and we plan to use them the same way we currently do â€" not in a system of strict cutoffs, but as one of many parts of a contextual, holistic review. I know there are many skeptics as to the value of standardized tests, and I know their value can vary at different institutions, but at MIT, we have found that standardized tests and grades are predictive of success in our challenging curriculum. While we know the tests are not perfect, they do provide an informative and consistent measure of a student’s academic potential in a world where high school experiences vary so widely. The tests allow us to admit students from across the country â€" and the globe â€" for whom we will have high confidence that they will thrive and succeed at MIT; for we care deeply about not only admitting great students, but also ensuring and supporting their success throughout their college career. All that said, I do think that students stress out over their test scores more than they should. In the college admissions process, they are one factor of many, and small differences in scores don’t matter like students think they do. While we expect students to challenge themselves, we do not expect students to challenge themselves in all areas. We do expect academic excellence, and looking at a student’s transcript â€" the choice of classes they took and the grades they achieved â€" is of primary importance. But in recent years, to align with our actual practice, we have moved our language from saying that we want students to take “the most rigorous classes available to them,” to saying we want them to take “the most rigorous classes available in the subjects that most interest them,” not across the board. I wrote an op-ed piece about this a few years ago, and we mean it â€" we are careful that our selection process is aligned with this. Additionally, while we expect students to have good grades, they don’t have to be perfect. Some students thrive on the challenge of taking many advanced classes, and for them that is an appropriate choice. Students should be confident in whatever educational choice they make that is best for them. The number of advanced classes a student takes is never the reason why he or she was (or was not) admitted. Students should pursue the things they love, but it is okay if you haven’t found what you love yet. We want students to pursue the things that interest them. For some students, this might mean pursuing one activity or set of closely related activities in some real depth. For other students, it might mean being involved in a larger array of activities. We have no preference: instead, we look for the energy and attitude that students bring to their pursuits when we make our evaluations. This does bring up an area where colleges have to be more careful with our language. Often students are told that colleges prefer students who “demonstrate a deep commitment” to an activity. This language can be harmful, as it might make a student reluctant to drop one activity in pursuit of another. Students should commit to whatever activity they are doing while they are doing it, but they should feel free to explore different activities without worrying about whether it will hurt their chances of admission to a selective college. We want to broaden the definition of “community service” to encompass a deeper sense of intellectual and ethical engagement. Community service has become an “activity” these days, in the same way that sports or an academic club is an activity, and is often marked by the phrase, “I have to go do my community service.” We want to broaden the definition. We do not just look at the activity that a student engages in as much as the general outlook and commitment to others that a student displays. Certainly, a student can demonstrate this in a traditional community service activity, such as volunteering in a local community organization, and this is a great thing to do. But we will also consider what kind of a citizen a student is: if they know the material well in a class, will they help others who are struggling? Do they take care of other family members? Do they have a genuine commitment to helping others, or are they doing things simply to look good on the application? The essay question on our application where we ask about this never mentions the phrase “community service,” but asks students to tell us about how they have improved the lives of others in their community. And it’s not the magnitude that counts as much as the intention and character of the student. I believe this is more important than ever before. The world is more globally connected, and we are living in the most multicultural, multiracial, multiethnic America ever and it is vital that we are supporting our communities in meaningful ways so that we can create a society in which everyone can thrive and succeed. From what I have seen of students enrolling at MIT, students today are very much interested in the common good. My experience with students at MIT is that they are deeply committed to service. However, the report cites evidence that the pressures on students have caused them to be less engaged in the common good. This may be due to the mixed messages that colleges and universities are sending students, which have left students with difficult choices and moved them to consider individual achievement over investment in the common good. It is my hope that this report will clarify our actual expectations to remove these pressures on students. In response to the report and the issues it addresses, we have made changes to our process. I believe for many years we have consistently tried to send the message to students that quality is more important than quantity and that engagement with others is important. As I mentioned above, I think the power in this report is that colleges are collectively endorsing its messages, banding together to speak with one voice to send this message in the hopes that it will take hold. For our part, beyond just talking about this, we have taken some concrete steps to send this message to our applicants. More than ten years ago, we reduced the number of spaces for students to list their extracurricular activities from 10 to 5, because we felt we were inadvertently sending the message that students had to have 10. And, inspired by this report, we changed one of our essay questions for last year’s application. The question allowed students to tell us how they improve the lives of those around them: At MIT, we seek to develop in each member of our community the ability and passion to work collaboratively for the betterment of humankind. How have you improved the lives of others in your community? (This could be one person or many, at school or at home, in your neighborhood or your state, etc.) And we continually ensure that our admissions decisions align with our messages and our values. How will we know if the messages in the report will have a positive impact? The Turning the Tide report is the first step in bringing colleges together to be more thoughtful communicators and more transparent about what we are looking for when we select students. It is only a first step, and one that has already sparked important dialogue about the process and how it is practiced. The real test will come over time, if it is clear that the admissions decisions that colleges and universities make are aligned with what we say and what we believe. It is my hope that students will not do things because they think they have to only to serve the college admissions process, but that they will feel empowered to explore and pursue the things that interest them, to make those around them better, and to have fun.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Is Spirituality Or Religion - 1265 Words

What is spirituality? And is it only related to religion? It is hard to answer these questions as there are a lot of definitions of spirituality and what is it related to. For some people, spirituality has no meaning outside the circle of the religion. On the other hand, some people say that spirituality can exist inside the religion and also outside the religion. People should stop relating spirituality to only religion. Instead, people should know the true meaning of spirituality outside the circle of the religion as it will open doors for knowledge and have a butter understanding and better life. In the United States, religion is frequently equated with spirituality or a personal relationship with God According to the sayings of Imam Ali in â€Å"Path of Eloquence†, a man who submits to the will of God had made a wise choice. Since this amazing creature called human being was created by God, he should use his senses in a good way that pleases his God. Imam Ali†™s words say that a man should practice his life in such a manner that other people will love him during his life, remember him, and say good things about him after he dies. This supports the fact that Islamic spirituality and faith can be practiced outside of the religion and amongst people. Further more, Imam Ali speaks and teaches us about faith. Most of Ali’s teaching is not directly related to religion and God. For example, Imam Ali speaks about justice in terms of faith. People have to be fairShow MoreRelatedWhat Purpose Does Religion Serve? Why Does Religion Continue1215 Words   |  5 PagesWhat purpose does religion serve? Why does religion continue to play an important role in human life? Koenig (2009) declared that atheism is rare, and rather, 90% of the world’s population practices religion or spirituality. Religion and spirituality have ambiguous meanings and are not universally defined. Although difficult to adequately define, Koenig (2009) inferred that â€Å"religion is rooted in an established tradition that arises out of a group of people with common beliefs and practices concerningRead MoreThe Spiritual Revolution in America810 Words   |  4 Pagestheir belief that they do not need to be affiliated with an organized religion in ord er to live a faithful and fulfilling life. As life becomes more frenzied and chaotic, people assert that they do not have the time to engage in organized religious activity and turn to a different alternative, one that can be less limiting and narrow minded. While spirituality means something different to everyone, at its core, spirituality provides our lives with context. It arrises from the connection one hasRead MoreAll About Religion and Spirituality1594 Words   |  6 PagesQuestion 1- What is Religion? 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Enhance1369 Words   |  6 PagesSpirituality and Stress: How Spirituality Can Enhance Your Health The aspect of stress management that I will be discussing will be over spirituality and stress. I will be focusing on six main points that really grasp the concept of spirituality and stress. These six points include spiritual health, religion and spirituality, spirituality and health, how spirituality and religion affect health, volunteerism as a spiritual and healthy activity, and thoughts on spirituality, health, and managing stressRead MoreSpirituality and Religion Essay1149 Words   |  5 Pages307). One component of the Neuman Systems Model is spirituality, which is described as being related to beliefs and influences that are spiritual. It should be noted that this was absent in her initial conceptualization and was developed later (Meleis, 2007, p.307). While utilizing the Neuman framework for client assessment, religion is often applied as a spiritual factor. Using this theory as basis one might conclude that religion and spirituality are synonymous in concept. This b egs the question:

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay about Career Development Programs - 1565 Words

As an educator working both in the high school and middle school setting, one point should be made clear. It is never too early to start thinking about a career. Of course, this is preached by most educators on a daily basis, but for the high school student looking for a college, it is still hard to comprehend. What exactly is the criterion for a college or community college and which direction should the high school senior go? When choosing a college to attend, there are certain factors that the counselor should advise the student on. First, look for a college that has a program compatible to your interest. Second, check out the location of the college you are interested in looking at the community in which it is located in. Third,†¦show more content†¦Financial aid should be thoroughly discussed in reference to funding available for in state college, out of state college, and community college. If the student is interested in community college, as counselor advocate for the possibility especially if the student knows what exactly that he wishes to study after graduation. Community colleges are tailored for specific training in certain careers that can be achieved with a shorter curriculum. Mangan (2010) in her study with community college trustee, reports that trustees are constantly involved in higher expectations for the community colleges and are aware that these schools need to be com parable to the traditional four year school even though the community colleges have less money to work with. Williams Southers (2010) state that community colleges have formed a partnership with traditional institution and serve a great diversity of students regardless of age, professional background, academic ability, and educational goals. Also, with community colleges, many courses will transfer to a four year college if so desired to attend after acceptance in to a program. Key points that the counselor should point out is the possibility of financial savings and shorter program completion if the career choice is a program that is offered at the community college of interest. Part II - # 1 With today’s vastShow MoreRelatedPersonal And Career Development Program1144 Words   |  5 PagesOver the past 24 weeks, the Personal and Career Development program and the internship helped me learn a lot about myself. The professional path helps me gained more confidence and experience and has given me a substantial opportunity to discover my practical and management skills. As a result, I learned about my thinking approach, decision-making ability, capacity, and time management skills. 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Scomi is a multinational corporation based in Malaysia; it’s an international service providerRead MoreCareer Fields Of Interest Using Free Online Tools1288 Words   |  6 Pagesexploration skills, and research career fields of interest using free online tools like Get My Future and My Next Move. Both tools enable youth to self-assess their interests and learn about various industries as well as how to write a resume, get work experience/ job training and other assistance.. Postsecondary credentials and work-based learning are important aspects of youth career development. Once your organization is aware of the youth’s potential career interests, you can invite professionals

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Starbucks Good Reputation As An Organization - 1395 Words

Starbucks is a multinational firm that mainly sells roasted specialty coffee in its established retail stores. With headquarters in United States, Starbucks also operates in more than 50 countries across the world. The company was established in 1971 and has expanded its operations within the US borders consistently since then (Seaford Brooks, 2012). One of the most significant drivers for the good performance of the entity prior to 21st century was good reputation as an organization that was socially responsible and willingness to cater for the interest of its stakeholders. Remarkably, the current status of Starbucks has been attained mainly through the support of its hardworking and committed employees. For the first three decades,†¦show more content†¦Discussion Three online articles authored by Greenhouse (2008), Herbst (2008) and James (2009) offer a hint of how the relationship between Starbucks and SWU and Starbucks and its workers has been since establishment of SWU . Some unionization theories can be used to explain the relationship between the three parties and the issues involved. Sidney and Beatrice Webb, John Commons and Selig Perlman established a total of ten theories explaining different aspects of unionization in organizations and industries. However, only two theories developed by Sidney and Webb and one theory developed by Commons have significant relevance to the content of the three articles mentioned above. One of the relevant theories developed by Sidney and Webb is the perception of unionization as a way of collective bargaining. Sidney and Webb perceived the emergence of labor unions as being triggered by the need for workers to attain social change. In the view of Sidney and Webb, the owners of production or capitalists exploit workers in various ways, such as giving them low wages and compelling them to overwork (McQuarrie 2015). Although the workers are unsatisfied with the exploitation, their power to influence the capitali sts at individual capacities is limited. As they come together to push the capitalists adhere to their demands, their power increases. When workers from

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Konstantin Sergeivich Alexeiev Essay Example For Students

Konstantin Sergeivich Alexeiev Essay Konstantin Sergeivich Alexeiev was born into a very rich Russian family in the year 1863. With a theatre built in a wing of his home, he was brought up with acting in his life and his family were very fond of the art. However, they were not the kind of people who would take kindly to their children stepping into the profession of acting, and so when Konstantin Sergeivich Alexeiev began acting and enrolling in 1884 he began to use the stage name of Stanislavski. His father then gave him permission, to carry on following his love of acting and the theatre after he directed a performance of the Mikado at their home in 1887. Stanislavski built a name for himself through his acting techniques and performances. From the start of his acting career, he carefully made notes about his performances. He studied his own, and other peoples work and created a standard of acting that had many critics at their knees, lost for comment. Not only did he become chairman of the Russian Music Society in 1886 but he also worked with the likes of the great play writer Anton Chekhov on his most important works. Stanislavski changed how many viewed acting. Many people simply assumed that acting was simply a matter of being natural; but Stanislavski discovered that acting realistically onstage is extremely artificial and difficult. He wrote: A?A?All of our acts, even the most simple of all, which are so familiar to us in everyday life, become strained when we appear behind the footlights before a public of a thousand people. That is why it is necessary to correct ourselves and learn again how to walk, sit or lie down. It is essential to re-educate ourselves to look and see, on the stage, to listen and to hear. A?AÂ ¦ To achieve this form of re-education, Stanislavski believed that the actor / actress must believe in everything that takes place onstage, and most of all, must believe what the actor / actress themselves is doing. A?A?And one can only believe in the truth. A?AÂ ¦ So that his ideas had substance, Stanislavski studied how people act in everyday life and how they communicated feelings and emotions. He then found ways to accomplish the same things onstage. From his experiences and observations, he compiled a series of principles and techniques, which today are regarded as fundamental to both the training and the performance of actors and actresses who want to create a believable character on stage. His exercises and techniques, followed the following broad aims: aâ‚ ¬zh To make the outward behaviour of the performer A?V gestures, voice, and rhythm of movements natural and convincing. aâ‚ ¬zh To have the actor / actress convey the goals and objectives A?V the inner needs of a character. Even if all the visible manifestations of a character are mastered, a performance will appear superficial and mechanical without a deep sense of conviction and belief. To make the life of the character onstage not only dynamic but also continuous. Some performers tend to emphasise only the high points of a part; in between, the life of the character stops. In real life however, people do not stop living. aâ‚ ¬zh To develop a strong sense of ensemble playing with other performers in a scene. There were also other points that Stanislavski paid attention to whilst directing, or taking part in a performance. Relaxation Stanislavski noted that all great actors and actresses had fluid and lifelike movements. It showed them to be in a complete state of freedom and relaxation, letting the behaviour of the character come through effortlessly. He concluded that all unwanted tension has to be eliminated and that the performer should remain in total physical and vocal relaxation. Concentration and Observation Gifted performers also showed to be fully concentrated on one particular object, person or event whilst on stage. .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d , .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .postImageUrl , .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d , .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d:hover , .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d:visited , .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d:active { border:0!important; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d:active , .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u27ed5c5c056c5c24befc3bbaa55b1e5d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeare s use of context in Hamlet EssayStanislavski referred to the extent or range of concentration as a circle of attention. This circle of attention can be compared to the circle of light or dark on a stage. Aperformer starts concentrating on being within a small tight circle, containing only themselves and perhaps something or someone else. Once this is established, they can widen their circle of attention to include the whole stage area. This way the actor / actress worries less about the audience and concentrates more on their character. Importance of Specifics Stanislavski concentrated on emphasising concrete details. He believed that a performer should never try to act in general, and should never try and conveya feeling such as fear or love in a vague, amorphous way. A?A? In life, we express emotions in terms of specificsA?AÂ ¦ Examples: A nervous woman fiddles with here necklace An angry boy throws a rock at a trash can The preformer must also conceive of the situation in which a character exists in term of specifics. In concrete terms, these questions should be answered: In what kind of place does the event take placeA?K formal? Informal? Public? Domestic? How does it feel? What is the temperature? Lighting? What has gone on just before? What is expected in the moments ahead? Inner Truth This deals with the internal or subjective world of the characters. Their thoughts and emotions. There were several ways that Stanislavski thought he could achieve this sense of inner truth, one of them being the magic A?A?ifA?AÂ ¦. A?A?IfA?AÂ ¦ is a word that can transform our thoughts, through it we ca imagine ourselves in virtually every situation. A?A?if I became wealthyA?KA?AÂ ¦ A?A?if I had asked themA?KA?AÂ ¦ . f they come here againA?KA?AÂ ¦ The word A?A?ifA?AÂ ¦ can lift us out of ourselves and take us into other positions giving us a sense of absolute certainty about imaginary circumstances. Action Onstage An important principle on how Stanislavski worked was that all actions on stage must have a purpose. This means the performers attention must always be concentrated on a series of physical actions, linked t ogether by the circumstances of the play. He determined these actions by asking three essential questions about the particualr actions: What? Why? How? Through Line of a Role According to Stanislavski, I order to develop continuity in a part, the actor or actress should find the super objective of a character. What is it, above all else, that the character wants during the course of the play? From this objective can be developed a through line which can be grasped. To help develop the through line, Stanislavski urged performers to divide scenes into units, or beats. In each unit there is an objective, and the intermediate objectives running through a play lead ultimately to the overall objective. Ensemble Playing Unless involved in a monologue, performers do not act alone. They interact. Stanislavski noted, that when characters did not hold the main spotlight, they often came out of character. Such characters made a great effort whilst speaking but little when listening. This tendency destroys the through line causing the performer to move in and out of role. This in turn weakens the sense of the ensemble A?V the playing together of all performers. The Use of Psychophysical Action Stanislavski began to develop his techniques in the early part of the twentieth century, and at first he emphasized the inner aspects of training: for example, various ways of getting in touch with the performerquot;s unconscious. Beginning around 1917, however, he began to look more and more at purposeful action, or what he called pyshophysical action. An action which has a purpose, and leads to feelings about the action taken. A?A?Whereas action previously had been taught as the expression of a previously- established quot;emotional state,quot; it is now action itself which predominates and is the key to the psychological. A?AÂ ¦ Rather than seeing emotions as leading to action, Stanislavski came to believe that it was the other way around: purposeful action undertaken to fulfill a characterquot;s goals was the most direct route to the emotions. .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 , .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .postImageUrl , .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 , .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0:hover , .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0:visited , .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0:active { border:0!important; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0:active , .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0 .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u014bf019b212f175fdc24f93d98f4bc0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A play set in the 1880's EssayExample: A character is sitting at a dinner table. All of a sudden the character quickly stands up and throws the plate at the wall, thus causing more anger in the character. Rather than just trying to be mad, the character made an angry motion, throwing a plate, that made the anger greater. As stated, StanislavskiA?AÂ ¦s techniques are derived from truth. The performer creates and brings the character to life through the truth surrounding them. To me, this is the perfect way to portray a character in a true and lifelike manner. However, Stanislavski does not look into other ways to portray a character. In a way, what you see is what you get. Actions choosing the pathways of a life of a character. I like more abstract acting, where you are showing a character through different means. Not just acting the character and their surroundings out but creating and displaying perhaps their inner most thoughts and feelings. This is more colourful than the black and white acting exercises of Stanislavski. When showing just the character, although being portrayed correctly and showing all truth, to me this can be like looking across a flat field. There are no variations. When more abstract acting is added, the audience can become more involved in the piece in other ways and see things in different lights. StanislavskiA?AÂ ¦s methods are perfect to create characters, but I myself wouldnA?AÂ ¦t base all of my performance on his teachings. I would certainly use his workings but not rely on them too heavily and make sure to involve my own variants.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Conflict between Boston Charter Schools and School Districts

Introduction: Where the Conflict Begins Charter schools have been an integral part of an education system in a range of states for quite a while. However, with the evolution of pedagogy, the development of new learning theories and teaching approaches, the necessity for teachers to adopt new approaches has emerged.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Conflict between Boston Charter Schools and School Districts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result, charter schools are currently experiencing the necessity to grow and expand, yet this growth is halted by the lack of financial support from school districts. It should be born in mind that the emergence of the so-called charter schools is by no means an accident. The establishment of the charter school system was a response to the flaws of the U.S. education system, and an introduction of the model, that could authorise and build capacity in the education syste m of the state. A closer look at the way in which the Boston charter schools are organised will reveal that the existing system presuppose a complete independency in terms of defining the program and the teaching strategies required for addressing the needs of the target students (i.e., the necessity to assist ESL students and the students, who lack financial support from their families) (Peyser para. 1–6). Conflict Analysis: History, Participants and Environment The conflict between charter schools and school districts is not new; in fact, the history of confrontations between the local authorities and the people representing corresponding education establishments has been going on since the day that the two phenomena emerged. However, charter schools being a rather recent and specific innovation in the history of education, the dilemma regarding the freedom, which schools should be provided with, has taken a new turn. Among the key participants, Boston charter schools and t he local school districts must be mentioned. Neither of the opponents is willing to compromise, the schools demanding that they should be given the right to expand, and the school district authorities refusing to provide financial support from the establishments that they have practically no control over.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The environment, in which the conflict has been brewing for several years, is quite specific. Boston is a unique city with a rather rich history; however, as far as its economic success is concerned, the number of people coming from a low income background is quite high. Therefore, the school district does not consider investing into the development of the Boston charter schools a rational step and prefers to disregard the demands of the Boston charter school teachers. Dispute Resolution: A â€Å"Portfolio† School System The significance o f the conflict specified above is tremendous. While the confrontation between the parties involved into it is not as severe as military conflicts are (Harvard Business Review 69), it still causes a lot of concern and leads to a variety of questions, including the possible changes to the financial support for Boston public schools, which may suffer as a result of budget cuts that may be made by the school district. Therefore, it goes without saying that the method for addressing the situation must satisfy the needs and meet the demands of both charter and public schools, as well as the school district. The â€Å"portfolio† system, which has been suggested in order to address the problem specified above, truly is an original solution customised uniquely for the benefit of both Boston charter schools and local school districts. The solution suggested by the people concerned about the issue seems perfect; it hurts neither of the parties and at the same time works for the benefit of charter schools. The very title for the new type of schools represents a perfect solution to the problem and the satisfactory result for all the parties involved, since it presupposes that the control over the new type of charter schools will be split in equal proportions between school districts and heads of the charter schools. As a result, it will be possible for school districts to track down the financial transactions, which charter schools make, and check what charter schools’ administration spends the finances provided by the school district on. This is the power divide strategy that will help all those involved benefit (Melamed 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Conflict between Boston Charter Schools and School Districts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the conflict management perspective, the solution to the confrontation between charter schools and school districts is impeccable. T hough it does involve a compromise and demands it from each of the parties, it rewards a positive response with an opportunity for charter schools to expand and for school districts to control the financial transactions of the Boston schools, therefore, making the process of budget distribution much easier. This, however, raises the question whether BATNA could be developed in case the school district refuses to compromise. Interpreted as the best alternative to a negotiated solution, BATNA actually does not require that a negotiation with the opponent should be carried out: â€Å"BATNAs are critical to negotiation because you cannot make a wise decision about whether to accept a negotiated agreement unless you know what your alternatives are† (Sprangler 1). The incorporation of BATNA in the set of tools for addressing the problem, however, invites the question concerning the future communication between the school district and Boston charter schools. Methods Implementation: The Negotiation Process While the solution described above seems quite obvious and presupposes that reasonable compromises should be made by both opponents, it would be too optimistic to assume that the negotiation process is going to be carried out impeccably and that the discussion procedure is going to flow smoothly. Instead, it can be expected that the participants of the negotiation will be unwilling to accept their part of the compromise and refuse to make the final step towards reconciliation and the improvement of their relationships. Therefore, the negotiation process must be thought through outstandingly well. Recognizing their mistakes will be the first step towards improving the situation for the Boston school district and the local charter schools. The process is not going to be easy, though, According to what Dunning’s research has shown, people traditionally fail to come to terms due to the inability to recognise their own mistakes:Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More â€Å"Recent research we have conducted, however, suggests that people are not adept at spotting the limits of their knowledge and expertise† (Dunning, Johnson, Ehrlinger and Kruger 83). As a rule, the unwillingness to admit the obvious failure can be explained by the fear of being socially ostracised and labelled as incompetent. Herein the key to solving the conflict lies; it is essential to help the parties involved realise that their ability to recognise their fault redeems them as people, who are capable of telling the right solution from the wrong one. As Dunning put it, â€Å"If poor performers are given the skills necessary to distinguish correct from incorrect answers, then they would be in a position to recognise their own incompetence† (Dunning et al. 85). The negotiation process, therefore, must be steered towards the compromising approach. In other words, the emphasis must be put onto developing a compromising strategy instead of focusing on the competitive one. It would also be a good idea to steer the discussion to a more comfortable analysis of the financial changes with the help of accommodative approach. Mediation Process: In Search for a Compromise Though it is desirable that the opponents in question, i.e., school district members and the people representing charter schools, should attempt at solving the issue on their own. Unless both sides of the conflict recognize the necessity to reconcile and find points of contact, there will be no point in addressing the situation. However, it could be argued that with the introduction of a third party, which will represent and entirely objective point of view, the process of negotiation will take place faster and more smoothly. Therefore, it will be reasonable to suggest that the mediation process should be facilitated by the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education. As a third party that is not interested in the outcomes of the negotiation, yet is a major authority in the field of ed ucation, it will be a perfect mediator for resolving the specified conflict. It can be suggested that charter schools should provide additional opportunities for students; thus, it will be possible to provide the schools with the status that they need. For instance, creating courses for the students, who are willing to study specific subjects in depth, could be a way to solve the problem In addition, it is desirable that the Massachusetts charter schools should design a flexible system of upgrade based on the concept of economic and financial sustainability. Thus, the costs will be reduced impressively, and the school districts will see the potential that charter schools and their students have. Finally, it will be a good idea to arrange basketball and soccer facilities in several charter schools so that major school sport related events could be held there. Attracting participants from other schools will help raise the money that will be used as the means to upgrade charter schools to the necessary level. Key Stakeholders and Major Factors: Evaluating the Situation When it comes to defining the major stakeholders involved into the conflict, one is most likely to mention teachers of Boston charter schools and the members of the Boston school districts. Indeed, these are the sides of the conflict that remain in the spotlight most of the time; they are the main participants, and they are involved in most of the discussions concerning the issue in question. True, the Boston charter schools and the Boston school districts are obviously two essential stakeholders in the specified conflict. However, there are other stakeholders that deserve to be mentioned. First and foremost, students of the Boston charter schools must be recognised as the key stakeholders, since their future academic life, as well as their career and success in the business world, hinges on the decision that the local authorities make in order to address the situation. Naturally, such a great depe ndence on the outcome of the conflict makes the Boston charter school students the key stakeholders. However, it would be wrong to disregard the aforementioned opponents when listing the major stakeholders. The choice that the Boston school district will make will obviously affect the school staff as well, as the latter will have to alter the teaching approaches, as well as introduce new teaching strategies in order to meet new requirements. Indeed, expansion of an education establishment presupposes that the diversity rates in charter schools are going to increase significantly, which will call for designing additional strategies for meeting the needs of children with various ethnic backgrounds, gifted children, children with disabilities, etc. Moreover, the rise in the amount of students will also entail the necessity to hire more staff and, thus, to reconsider the school budget and the current schedule. Needless to say, the school districts are also highly dependent on the soluti on that will be chosen in order to address the situation. Using the budget funds for expanding charter schools means that the school district will have to cut costs for other issues concerning financial support of schools; therefore, it is in the interests of the school districts to address the issue in such a way that the costs should be minimised. Thus, the members of the school districts must also be viewed as the key stakeholders in the conflict in question. As far as the factors are concerned, there are key financial, economic and social issues that may hinder the process of conflict resolution. The financial issues top the list of the key factors. Because of the need to re-establish the current principle of a charter school operation, the costs for the innovation are going to be impressive. Carving the money out of the budget means that public schools will be left without the required support. The fact that charter schools are practically independent from school districts in t erms of their education policy, in contrast to public ones, investing into the development of charter schools hardly seems reasonable for the Boston school districts. More to the point, the fact that students from low income families, as well as students belonging to ethnic and national minorities, make most of the student population in charter schools in Boston, does not add any credibility to the plea of the heads of Boston charter schools. Though the issue specified above seems to be financial, it, in fact, should be deemed as a social one, and related to the discrimination problems within the modern society. Conclusion: Revisiting the Principles of the Education System Though the solution, which requires responsibilities distribution and power divide between school districts and school authorities, requires that major concessions should be made by both parties, mutual compromise is the only way to settle the conflict. Moreover, the specified strategy seems the only rational appr oach to be taken in this situation. Once both sides of the conflict are secure about their control over the issue, they will be able to come to terms. The mediation process, which is the key towards reaching a compromise, must be based on the principles of cooperation and presuppose that the charter schools should use their key assets to solve the conflict. At present, to reach a compromise, charter schools need to prove that they are worth investing in. Works Cited Dunning, David, Kerry Johnson, Joyce Ehrlinger and Justin Kruger. â€Å"Why People Fail to Recognize Their Own Incompetence.† Current Directions in Psychological Science 12.1 (2014), 83–87. Print. Harvard Business Review. Extreme Negotiations. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review. 2010. 67–75. Print. Melamed, James. Maximizing Mediation. 2014. Web. Peyser, James A. â€Å"Boston and the Charter School Cap.† Education Next 14.1 (2014), para. 1–6 . Web. Sprangler, Brad. â€Å"Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA).† Beyond Intractability. 2012. Web. This essay on The Conflict between Boston Charter Schools and School Districts was written and submitted by user Frankl1nSt0rm to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Impact of the Vietnam War on the People of America essays

The Impact of the Vietnam War on the People of America essays The Impact of the Vietnam War on the People of America The Vietnam War was one of the most tragic wars in American history. The affects it had on the American people were tremendous. Even today many Americans have the frightening, unforgettable memories of the war. The war was accounted to be over in 1973, but Americans still suffer the aftershocks of a national trauma that has left the nation bitterly divided and estranged from its ideals. The painful memories will be eased, but they will never be fully healed. Many Americans look at the Vietnam War as the most hated conflict in United States history. It was also the first war America has not won. Many Americans started to lose faith in their country. Many refugees came to America in hopes to start a much better life here, but were disliked by many because they made it more difficult for the many unemployed citizens of America. Many families in America felt much sorrow as they learn of resent events in Vietnam, like the battle of Laos, and the loss of there loved ones. Many veterans returned from Vietnam and received a cold welcome from millions of Americans that felt a deep hatred for the war and the way the fighting ended. The only warm greetings came from family and friends of the veterans. One veteran spoke for many when he said, I went to Vietnam thinking I was a good American who was doing my duty for my country. I come back and ended up feeling like a criminal. It alienated many returning veterans from their fellow citizens and made them wonder if they would ever again fit into the mainstream of their nations life. They also wondered if they would ever win a place for themselves in the United States. One reason for these feelings toward the veteran is that the veterans did not return at the end of the war, but throughout the course of the war after serving a tour of duty. They did not return with their units, but instead ...

Friday, February 21, 2020

Kurdistan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Kurdistan - Research Paper Example While the political waves have promised to grant this state some form of political freedom, it is clear that it has a long way to go in the journey towards its independence. In the Middle East, Kurdish people claim one of the longest histories. The Kurdistan land was founded back in the year 2400 BC and the Kurds occupied the same geographic region that they occupy today. However, the population in this land has changed since there hass been massive foreign invasions and immigrants into this region. The current face of the Kurdish people has been changed by not only the people surrounding them but also those that have entered in this region in the course of history. One of the historical times that the Kurds mark is the time that they fall under the rule of the Ottoman. The Ottoman Empire considerably suppressed the Kurdish people and this had socioeconomic impacts in this land. Since 1843, during the Ottoman rule, a massive Kurdish uprising underpinned the political consciousness of this community. In the year 1908, the Kurdish people responded to oppression by attempting to form a national Kurdish movement. During the period of the First World War, there was a great struggle to redefine the boundaries of the Kurdistan land. Treaties were being formed by the respective governments to divide the minority communities such as Kurdistan. However, the government of Iraq and Turkey refused to give up the Kurdish land due to the presence of Oil wells in this region. They felt that this would be a great economic loss for the country. At the end of the Second World War, the Kurdish people formed the Mahabad Republic of Kurdistan, a body that gave this land independence from the other countries. However, this independence was short-lived as Iran, with the support of US and Great Britain destroyed this land and executed its leaders. This was a great blow for the land as it reduced the hopes of reconstruction and left the and under no

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Bottled water is safer than tap water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bottled water is safer than tap water - Essay Example Mineral water accumulates various minerals as it flows over rocks before it is collected while spring water emanates from the ground, having no chance to collect minerals. Tap water is treated with chemicals before distribution to consumers. The major chemicals used for tap water treatment are Chlorine and fluorine. It is normally treated to eradicate any pathogens that might be present in the water, and which may cause diseases. This is water that is packaged directly from the source. It is significant due to the fact that it is taken in its natural state, without chemicals. Mineral water contains important elements such as calcium and magnesium that are needed in the body. They are acquired from water that flows along a course composed of rocks that are rich in minerals. Bottled water has established a market in the word population due to the standards that have been set by many governments in order to protect the consumers. It is advantageous because once packed, the water has a long shelf life. Bottled water can also be used for emergency supplies in cases of water shortage. Travelers can conveniently carry bottled water with them when they travel over long journeys. However, there has been a rise in the level of pollution in the environment, causing pollution in the natural water sources. Land fills and incinerators are a major source of pollutants. It is progressively becoming un-advisable for people t o drink bottled water because of the associated levels of pollution. According to Feldman (2003, p.27), â€Å"The quantity of plastic waste generate every year are predictable at half a million tons.† These are mainly disposed in land fills and incinerators. They end up polluting surface water bodies During the rainy seasons, soil erosion causes fertilizers and other pollutants emanating from land to be transported to the rivers, springs and wells, which are the major source of bottled water. Nutrients from the soil are leached in to the ground

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Maxima And Minima Of Functions Mathematics Essay

Maxima And Minima Of Functions Mathematics Essay Maxima and Minima are important topics of maths Calculus. It is the approach for finding maximum or minimum value of any function or any event. It is practically very helpful as it helps in solving the complex problems of science and commerce. It can be with one variable of with more than one variable. These can be done with the help of simple geometry and math functions. Finding the maxima and minima, both absolute and relative, of various functions represents an important class of problems solvable by use of differential calculus. The theory behind finding maximum and minimum values of a function is based on the fact that the derivative of a function is equal to the slope of the tangent. Analytical definition A real-valued function f defined on a real line is said to have a local (or relative) maximum point at the point xà ¢Ã‹â€ -, if there exists some ÃŽÂ µ > 0 such that f(xà ¢Ã‹â€ -) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ f(x) when |x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ xà ¢Ã‹â€ -| Restricted domains: There may be maxima and minima for a function whose domain does not include all real numbers. A real-valued function, whose domain is any set, can have a global maximum and minimum. There may also be local maxima and local minima points, but only at points of the domain set where the concept of neighbourhood is defined. A neighbourhood plays the role of the set of x such that |x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ xà ¢Ã‹â€ -| A continuous (real-valued) function on a compact set always takes maximum and minimum values on that set. An important example is a function whose domain is a closed (and bounded) interval of real numbers (see the graph above). The neighbourhood requirement precludes a local maximum or minimum at an endpoint of an interval. However, an endpoint may still be a global maximum or minimum. Thus it is not always true, for finite domains, that a global maximum (minimum) must also be a local maximum (minimum). Finding Functional Maxima And Minima Finding global maxima and minima is the goal of optimization. If a function is continuous on a closed interval, then by the extreme value theorem global maxima and minima exist. Furthermore, a global maximum (or minimum) either must be a local maximum (or minimum) in the interior of the domain, or must lie on the boundary of the domain. So a method of finding a global maximum (or minimum) is to look at all the local maxima (or minima) in the interior, and also look at the maxima (or minima) of the points on the boundary; and take the biggest (or smallest) one. Local extrema can be found by Fermats theorem, which states that they must occur at critical points. One can distinguish whether a critical point is a local maximum or local minimum by using the first derivative test or second derivative test. For any function that is defined piecewise, one finds maxima (or minima) by finding the maximum (or minimum) of each piece separately; and then seeing which one is biggest (or smallest). Examples The function x2 has a unique global minimum at x = 0. The function x3 has no global minima or maxima. Although the first derivative (32) is 0 at x = 0, this is an inflection point. The function x-x has a unique global maximum over the positive real numbers at x = 1/e. The function x3/3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ x has first derivative x2 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 1 and second derivative 2x. Setting the first derivative to 0 and solving for x gives stationary points at à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1 and +1. From the sign of the second derivative we can see that à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1 is a local maximum and +1 is a local minimum. Note that this function has no global maximum or minimum. The function |x| has a global minimum at x = 0 that cannot be found by taking derivatives, because the derivative does not exist at x = 0. The function cos(x) has infinitely many global maxima at 0,  ±2à Ã¢â€š ¬,  ±4à Ã¢â€š ¬, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, and infinitely many global minima at  ±Ãƒ Ã¢â€š ¬,  ±3à Ã¢â€š ¬, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The function 2 cos(x) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ x has infinitely many local maxima and minima, but no global maximum or minimum. The function cos(3à Ã¢â€š ¬x)/x with 0.1  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤Ã‚  x  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤Ã‚  1.1 has a global maximum at x  = 0.1 (a boundary), a global minimum near x  = 0.3, a local maximum near x  = 0.6, and a local minimum near x  = 1.0. (See figure at top of page.) The function x3 + 32 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 2x + 1 defined over the closed interval (segment) [à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢4,2] has two extrema: one local maximum at x = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡15à ¢Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾3, one local minimum at x = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1+à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡15à ¢Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾3, a global maximum at x = 2 and a global minimum at x = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢4. Functions of more than one variable  ­For functions of more than one variable, similar conditions apply. For example, in the (enlargeable) figure at the right, the necessary conditions for a local maximum are similar to those of a function with only one variable. The first partial derivatives as to z (the variable to be maximized) are zero at the maximum (the glowing dot on top in the figure). The second partial derivatives are negative. These are only necessary, not sufficient, conditions for a local maximum because of the possibility of a saddle point. For use of these conditions to solve for a maximum, the function z must also be differentiable throughout. The second partial derivative test can help classify the point as a relative maximum or relative minimum. In contrast, there are substantial differences between functions of one variable and functions of more than one variable in the identification of global extrema. For example, if a differentiable function f defined on the real line has a single critical point, which is a local minimum, then it is also a global minimum (use the intermediate value theorem and Rolles Theorem to prove this by reduction ad absurdum). In two and more dimensions, this argument fails, as the function shows. Its only critical point is at (0,0), which is a local minimum with Æ’(0,0)  =  0. However, it cannot be a global one, because Æ’(4,1)  =  Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢11. The global maximum is the point at the top In relation to sets Maxima and minima are more generally defined for sets. In general, if an ordered set S has a greatest element m, m is a maximal element. Furthermore, if S is a subset of an ordered set T and m is the greatest element of S with respect to order induced by T, m is a least upper bound of S in T. The similar result holds for least element, minimal element and greatest lower bound. In the case of a general partial order, the least element (smaller than all other) should not be confused with a minimal element (nothing is smaller). Likewise, a greatest element of a partially ordered set (poset) is an upper bound of the set which is contained within the set, whereas a maximal element m of a poset A is an element of A such that if m à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ b (for any b in A) then m = b. Any least element or greatest element of a poset is unique, but a poset can have several minimal or maximal elements. If a poset has more than one maximal element, then these elements will not be mutually comparable. In a totally ordered set, or chain, all elements are mutually comparable, so such a set can have at most one minimal element and at most one maximal element. Then, due to mutual comparability, the minimal element will also be the least element and the maximal element will also be the greatest element. Thus in a totally ordered set we can simply use the terms minimum and maximum. If a chain is finite then it will always have a maximum and a minimum. If a chain is infinite then it need not have a maximum or a minimum. For example, the set of natural numbers has no maximum, though it has a minimum. If an infinite chain S is bounded, then the closure Cl(S) of the set occasionally has a minimum and a maximum, in such case they are called the greatest lower bound and the least upper bound of the set S, respectively. The diagram below shows part of a function y = f(x). The Point A is a local maximum and the Point B is a local minimum. At each of these points the tangent to the curve is parallel to the x-axis so the derivative of the function is zero. Both of these points are therefore stationary points of the function. The term local is used since these points are the maximum and minimum in this particular region. There may be others outside this region. function f(x) is said to have a local maximum at x = a, if $ is a neighbourhood I of a, such that f(a) f(x) for all x I. The number f(a) is called the local maximum of f(x). The point a is called the point of maxima. Note that when a is the point of local maxima, f(x) is increasing for all values of x a in the given interval. At x = a, the function ceases to increase. A function f(x) is said to have a local minimum at x = a, if $ is a neighbourhood I of a, such that f(a) f(x) for all x I Here, f(a) is called the local minimum of f(x). The point a is called the point of minima. Note that, when a is a point of local minimum f (x) is decreasing for all x a in the given interval. At x = a, the function ceases to decrease. If f(a) is either a maximum value or a minimum value of f in an interval I, then f is said to have an extreme value in I and the point a is called the extreme point. Monotonic Function maxima and minima A function is said to be monotonic if it is either increasing or decreasing but not both in a given interval. Consider the function The given function is increasing function on R. Therefore it is a monotonic function in [0,1]. It has its minimum value at x = 0 which is equal to f (0) =1, has a maximum value at x = 1, which is equal to f (1) = 4. Here we state a more general result that, Every monotonic function assumes its maximum or minimum values at the end points of its domain of definition. Note that every continuous function on a closed interval has a maximum and a minimum value. Theorem on First Derivative Test (First Derivative Test) Let f (x) be a real valued differentiable function. Let a be a point on an interval I such that f (a) = 0. (a) a is a local maxima of the function f (x) if i) f (a) = 0 ii) f(x) changes sign from positive to negative as x increases through a. That is, f (x) > 0 for x f (x) a (b) a is a point of local minima of the function f (x) if i) f (a) = 0 ii) f(x) changes sign from negative to positive as x increases through a. That is, f (x) f (x) > 0 for x > a Working Rule for Finding Extremum Values Using First Derivative Test Let f (x) be the real valued differentiable function. Step 1: Find f (x) Step 2: Solve f (x) = 0 to get the critical values for f (x). Let these values be a, b, c. These are the points of maxima or minima. Arrange these values in ascending order. Step 3: Check the sign of f'(x) in the immediate neighbourhood of each critical value. Step 4: Let us take the critical value x= a. Find the sign of f (x) for values of x slightly less than a and for values slightly greater than a. (i) If the sign of f (x) changes from positive to negative as x increases through a, then f (a) is a local maximum value. (ii) If the sign of f (x) changes from negative to positive as x increases through a, then f (a) is local minimum value. (iii) If the sign of f (x) does not change as x increases through a, then f (a) is neither a local maximum value not a minimum value. In this case x = a is called a point of inflection. Maxima and Minima Example Find the local maxima or local minima, if any, for the following function using first derivative test f (x) = x3 62 + 9x + 15 Solution to Maxima and Minima Example f (x) = x3 62 + 9x + 15 f (x) = 32 -12x + 9 = 3(x2- 4x + 3) = 3 (x 1) (x 3) Thus x = 1 and x = 3 are the only points which could be the points of local maxima or local minima. Let us examine for x=1 When x f (x) = 3 (x 1) (x 3) = (+ ve) (- ve) (- ve) = + ve When x >1 (slightly greater than 1) f (x) = 3 (x -1) (x 3) = (+ ve) (+ ve) (- ve) = ve The sign of f (x) changes from +ve to -ve as x increases through 1. x = 1 is a point of local maxima and f (1) = 13 6 (1)2 + 9 (1) +15 = 1- 6 + 9 + 15 =19 is local maximum value. Similarly, it can be examined that f (x) changes its sign from negative to positive as x increases through the point x = 3. x = 3 is a point of minima and the minimum value is f (3) = (3)3- 6 (3)2+ 9(3) + 15 = 15 Theorem on Second Derivative Test Let f be a differentiable function on an interval I and let a I. Let f (a) be continuous at a. Then i) a is a point of local maxima if f (a) = 0 and f (a) ii) a is a point of local minima if f (a) = 0 and f (a) > 0 iii) The test fails if f (a) = 0 and f (a) = 0. In this case we have to go back to the first derivative test to find whether a is a point of maxima, minima or a point of inflexion. Working Rule to Determine the Local Extremum Using Second Derivative Test Step 1 For a differentiable function f (x), find f (x). Equate it to zero. Solve the equation f (x) = 0 to get the Critical values of f (x). Step 2 For a particular Critical value x = a, find f (a) (i) If f (a) (ii) If f (a) > 0 then f (x) has a local minima at x = a and f (a) is the minimum value. (iii) If f (a) = 0 or , the test fails and the first derivative test has to be applied to study the nature of f(a). Example on Local Maxima and Minima Find the local maxima and local minima of the function f (x) = 23 212 +36x 20. Find also the local maximum and local minimum values. Solution: f (x) = 62 42x + 36 f (x) = 0 x = 1 and x = 6 are the critical values f (x) =12x 42 If x =1, f (1) =12 42 = 30 x =1 is a point of local maxima of f (x). Maximum value = 2(1)3 21(1)2 + 36(1) 20 = -3 If x = 6, f (6) = 72 42 = 30 > 0 x = 6 is a point of local minima of f (x) Minimum value = 2(6)3 21 (6)2 + 36 (6)- 20 = -128 Absolute Maximum and Absolute Minimum Value of a Function Let f (x) be a real valued function with its domain D. (i) f(x) is said to have absolute maximum value at x = a if f(a)  ³ f(x) for all x ÃŽ D. (ii) f(x) is said to have absolute minimum value at x = a if f(a)  £ f(x) for all x ÃŽ D. The following points are to be noted carefully with the help of the diagram. Let y = f (x) be the function defined on (a, b) in the graph. (i) f (x) has local maximum values at x = a1, a3, a5, a7 (ii) f (x) has local minimum values at x = a2, a4, a6, a8 (iii) Note that, between two local maximum values, there is a local minimum value and vice versa. (iv) The absolute maximum value of the function is f(a7)and absolute minimum value is f(a). (v) A local minimum value may be greater than a local maximum value. Clearly local minimum at a6 is greater than the local maximum at a1. Theorem on Absolute Maximum and Minimum Value Let f be a continuous function on an interval I = [a, b]. Then, f has the absolute maximum value and f attains it at least once in I. Also, f has the absolute minimum value and attains it at least once in I. Theorem on Interior point in Maxima and Minima Let f be a differentiable function on I and let x0 be any interior point of I. Then (a) If f attains its absolute maximum value at x0, then f (x0)= 0 (b) If f attains its absolute minimum value at x0, then f (x0) = 0. In view of the above theorems, we state the following rule for finding the absolute maximum or absolute minimum values of a function in a given interval. Step 1: Find all the points where f takes the value zero. Step 2: Take the end points of the interval. Step 3: At all the points calculate the values of f. Step 4: Take the maximum and minimum values of f out of the values calculated in step 3. These will be the absolute maximum or absolute minimum values. Real life Problem Solving With Maxima And Minima For a belt drive the power transmitted is a function of the speed of the belt, the law being P(v) = Tv av3 where T is the tension in the belt and a some constant. Find the maximum power if T = 600, a = 2 and v 12. Is the answer different if the maximum speed is 8? Solution First find the critical points. P = 600v 2v3 And so = 600 6v2 This is zero when v =  ±10. Commonsense tells us that v 0, and so we can forget about the critical point at -10. So we have just the one relevant critical point to worry about, the one at x = 10. The two endpoints are v = 0 and v = 12. We dont hold out a lot of hope for v = 0, since this would indicate that the machine was switched off, but we calculate it anyway. Next calculate P for each of these values and see which is the largest. P(0) = 0  ,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  P(10) = 6000 2000 = 4000  ,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  P(12) = 7200 3456 = 3744 So the maximum occurs at the critical point and is 4000. When the range is reduced so that the maximum value of v is down to 8, neither of the critical points is in range. That being the case, we just have the endpoints to worry about. The maximum this time is P(8) = 4800 1024 = 3776. A box of maximum volume is to be made from a sheet of card measuring 16 inches by 10. It is an open box and the method of construction is to cut a square from each corner and then fold. Solution Let x be the side of the square which is cut from each corner. Then AB = 16 2x, CD = 10 2x and the volume, V, is given by V = (16 2x)(10 2x)x = 4x(8 x)(5 x) And so = 4(x3-132+40x) =4(32-26x+40) The critical points occur when 32 26x + 40 = 0 i.e.  when x =   = The commonsense restrictions are 5 x 0.So the only critical point in range is x = 2. Now calculate V for the critical point and the two endpoints. V(0) = 0  ,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  V(2) = 144  ,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  V(5) = 0 So the maximum value is 144, occurring when x = 2. Uses of Maxima and Minima in War. Concepts of maxima and minima can be used in war to predict most probably result of any event. It can be very helpful to all soldiers as it help to save time. Maximum damage with minimum armor can be predicted via these functions. It can be helpful in preventive actions for military. It is use dto calculate ammunition numbers, food requests, fuel consumption, parts ordering, and other logical operations. It is also helpful in finding daily expenditure on war.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

An Alternate Perspective on the Mythical West :: essays papers

An Alternate Perspective on the Mythical West The topic of the American West has intrigued me throughout my life. The tales of cowboys and Indians, of the rugged individual and nature, has always sparked my interest. A land with such quixotic stories of adventure, the West has instilled itself in American history. The yarns and movies of the mythical frontier provide a perception to which I among many others have chosen to adopt at one time or another. This perception has been embedded in many youths, providing a nationalistic view of America using the West as a symbol of the individualism to which our forefathers fought for. Yet it is human nature to be inquisitive, and so I delved into this topic in the hopes of developing a better understanding of the history of the great American frontier. The myth of the American West has been intertwined throughout United States history. It is often perceived as a romantic story, a legacy that has ingrained itself in American culture and society. The 1890 census announced the end of the frontier, closing a chapter in American history. In 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner argued the importance of the frontier in shaping American politics, economy, and culture. Turner’s nationalistic view of the West created a problem, providing a mythical notion of a realistically rough arena filled with conflict and frustration. Furthermore, the thesis proposed by Turner proved to be futile for the present and future. The firmness of Turner’s thesis left it susceptible to challenges, creating a revolution of historical study of the Old West in the mid-twentieth century. Historians dedicated to the American West have branched off from Turner and have created a field that hinges on this complex area. These historians have challenged the old myths of a quaint West, seeking to expose the true nature of Western expansion. Among these historians, Patricia Nelson Limerick has developed a perception of the West based on the stories of the men and women who actually lived there. In her book, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West, Limerick maintains that Westward expansion was not a romantic saga of cowboys and Indians, but instead was a gradual conquest based on economics and politics. In a sense, the West was not founded by rugged individualists, but rather by competition and profit.