Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Health to Employer and Employee Essay Example

Health to Employer and Employee Essay Example Health to Employer and Employee Paper Health to Employer and Employee Paper In today’s scenario the work place and its environment play a key role in our day to day lives. A typical work day for an average individual comprises nine of his or hers waking hours of the day. It comprises a large portion of the day and goes without saying that it has an important bearing on the overall mental and physical well being of an individual. Organizations are increasingly recognizing that employee health and well being are key determinants of productivity and hence organizational health in terms of money, time and effort. A software consultancy firm’s mission statement written on their transport vehicles exemplifies this, â€Å"The human side of business†. Today health is an important consideration. In fact the US governments program, â€Å"Healthy People 2010† outlines various on going programs concerning the health of US citizens.     For the purpose of this discussion we concentrate on one aspect concerning employer employee relationship that is health. When one considers health at the work place we cannot escape the three basic requirements, clean air and water and healthy food. These are often taken for granted by employees. For an employer providing these three basic requirements are not considerations only of the law and costs but also have bearing on productivity. For example, the presence of allergens in the air in a factory, we can see would impact the employee’s health. Allergies are not life threatening usually but are associated with considerable morbidity. For the employer it would mean absence from work and loss of man hours. Providing food for the employee in large organizations is a challenge. At the minimum an employee would have one meal and one snack at work. He can only eat what is offered and providing the healthy food would be the employer’s choice. To choose healthy food is today almost a prerequisite, given the increasing awareness and health consciousness of the general population What does employee health mean for the employer?   The old paradigm of healthy body healthy mind would change in today’s context. Today the employer’s paradigm would be healthy mind healthy body. The mental status of the employee effects his motivation. His motivation determines his output both qualitative and quantitative. That is why employers spend a lot of time and money in employee motivation. Many have Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that provide basic mental health services for their employees. A motivated employee is productive and has greater chances of gaining in the rewards system of the company. It is a win-win situation. Providing clean air may not be in total control of the employer when one relates it to occupational asthma and allergies. The nature of the business environment, for example a factory dealing with chemicals, may throw up a variety allergens in spite of the stipulated precautions. â€Å"There is little or no evidence to guide the occupational physician for effective management of prospective employees with preexisting or current history of asthma† (Gannon, 2005, p. 586). It would be in the interest of both the employer as well as the employee if the pre-employment screening included test for asthma in fact occupational asthma accounts for 10% of adult onset asthma ( Tarlo and Liss, cited in Gannon, 2005, p. 586). This is a sufficiently large number for employers with a high risk business like a chemical factory to screen its prospective employees. This would benefit both the employer and employee. For the prospective employee it would prevent a great deal of morbidity. Also it gives the employee and employer a choice to weigh the benefits verses the risks. The approach to the problem could be both a medical and a management issue. But it is clear that clean allergen free air is important to both the employee and employer. Employee and employer would need to meet midway to manage a potential health issue should it arise despite all precautions. The center for disease control and prevention (CDC) is a premiere public health services agency of the federal government of the USA that has a web site that has a lot of information regarding disease control. On work site food the CDC promotes work place practice and policies that promote healthy food choices whenever food is made available at the work place. Healthy Worksite Food, 2008). According to the CDC in 1995 it was estimated that $ 9.3 billion was lost in productivity due to morbidity associated with chronic diseases, like cardio vascular diseases diabetes, that was attributed to poor diet. Clearly diet is an important factor to consider at the work place for employees and employers. Medical literature clearly links diet to health. Frequent meetings and conferences would contribute to poor diet if unhealthy food is served. Some thing as simple as tea of coffee, accompanied with sugar and milk would up set the energy balance of an individual and be a contributing factor to overweight and obesity. For an employer the cost of serving healthy food could be little different. Serving foods rich in fiber, more fruits and vegetables would have its implications for productivity. It would be prudent to consider how much their share of the pie the $ 9.3 billion loss is, in the absence of any in house estimates. It would benefit the employee too in reducing the risk of disease. So in another basic requirement, food is important health indicator that benefits employee and employer. It becomes increasingly clear that health is important to employee and employer. The employer has screening programs prior to employment but since health contributes to motivation of the employee and thus productivity, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) become the need of the hour. EAPs become all the more necessary because problems like allergies and asthma may manifest after the employee joins the work force. Teich. JL Buck JA reported that in a survey conducted in 2001, 17 percent of the firms offered EAP’s and the percentage offering EAPs go up depending on the size of the company (Psychiatry Services, 2003). What are the problems that would affect the mental health of an employee? In the same survey employee reported that their EAPs provided counseling and referral services for work or family issues. Employers must recognize that EAPs are just a way of telling the employees that the organization cares for every individual of the company. How an employee is treated contributes to their mental well being. All like to be treated fairly and with justice. This was clearly seen in a prospective cohort study on organizational justice and health of the employees. The study concluded that the extent to which people are treated with justice in the work place independently predicts their health. (Kivimaki M, Elovainio M, Vahtera J, Ferrie JE, 2003, p. 27). Low versus high justice of decision making procedure was associated with a 41 percent higher risk of sickness absence in men and a 12 percent higher risk in women. Any absence affects the employer to a large extent. Crucial projects could get delayed impact the organizations clients. At every level of interaction between employer and employee health is important to both. Health has not only physical and mental implications but also a large socioeconomic consideration affecting both employer and employee. An important aspect in today’s economic scenario is organizational downsizing. Retrenchment due to a variety of reasons, mainly economics, has a large social impact but few would consider the implications it has on health. A study published in the British Medical Journal throws some light on this issue. The key learning for the study was that, â€Å"the threat of job loss due to downsizing results in increased morbidity. The increase seemed to be mediated not only through job insecurity but also through increased job demands and lowered job controle.†(Kivimaki M, Vahtera J, Pentti J, Ferrie JE, 2000, p. 975) In summary the implication health has for the employer and employee clearly outline the importance it should be given in an employee employer relationship. Every individual has a moral responsibility for ones health. The family would suffer due to ill health of an individual. Work is a source that provides for the family’s needs and lifestyle of individual members. If work becomes a source of ill health then the family suffers it is not a single individual that is affected but all members. Employers recognize this and provide for the employee’s health depending on the size of the organization. The overall well being on an organization depends to a large extent on the physical and mental health of its employee’s. The health of the two is interconnected. References Gannon, P,( 2005), Pre-employment Assessment and   Health Surveillance for Employees Exposed to occupational Asthmagens, Occupational medicine, 2005, 55,586-587. Healthy Work Site Food, (2008), Choosing Foods and Beverages for Healthy Meetings conferences and events, Retrieved on May 15, 2008, from the CDC a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Database Kavimaki, M. Vahtera, J, Pentti, J, Ferrie JE, (2000), Factors Underlying the effect of Organzational Downsizing on Health of Employees, British Medical Journal, 320, 971-975. Kivimaki, M, Elovania M, vahtera, J Ferrie, JE, (2003), Organsational Justice and Health of Employees, Occup. Environ. Med, 60, 27-34. Teich, JL, and Buck JA,, (2003). Mental Health Services in Employee Assistance Programs, 2001, 54, 611. Retrieved on May, 15, 2008, from the APA database

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Preview of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile 11th Edition †New Features for College Students!

Preview of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile 11th Edition – New Features for College Students! The 11th edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn ® Profile will be published soon (projected January release date!), and one of the new additions is a guide to LinkedIn ® for college students. At this time of college admissions fervor, I thought it would be appropriate to reveal this section especially for my blog readers! LinkedIn ® For Students and LinkedIn ® Youniversity are two of LinkedIn’s newest features. If youre one of the 39 million college students on LinkedIn ®, or if you’re considering becoming one of them, you will get value from my newest appendix, which addresses some features you may have not realized were available to you. Enjoy! LinkedIn ® For Students LinkedIn ® Youniversity LinkedIn ® for Students is filled with videos and tips on the most effective ways to use LinkedIn ®, from building your personal brand to getting an internship. Available videos cover a variety of topics to get you started with networking, discovering your career passion and prepping for interviews. Youll also find checklists and tip sheets for building your student profile and utilizing LinkedIns Alumni tools. Student Jobs 101 provides tips for optimizing your LinkedIn ® profile, approaching the college job hunt, and applying for internships and entry-level positions. Jobs for Students and Recent Graduates is LinkedIns search engine for internship positions and jobs for recent graduates. Search by industry for a list of positions that may interest you. LinkedIn for Students Articles contains a collection of articles written by LinkedIns top writers related to college and career. LinkedIn ® Youniversity is designed to help students find the perfect college. Its a one-stop hub where you can communicate with other students, advisors and future classmates. Here are just a few of its features: University Rankings Find out which schools are best rated in terms of placing new graduates. Read how LinkedIn ® attains these ratings in LinkedIn ®s Official Blog article, Ranking Universities Based on Career Outcomes. University Finder Just tell LinkedIn ® what you want to do and theyll show you the top schools for that industry career. Field of Study Explorer LinkedIn ® takes your field of study (based on your profile) and lists the top business and connections for you. Decision Boards Create a pin board where you can keep all of your top picks from your University Rankings, Finder and Field of Study tools in one place, plus get start conversations to get advice from people you trust and respect.When you select a preferred university and/or field of study, your Decision Board will appear on your profile page. Visitors will then have the opportunity to help you make your decision based on their experiences. For more information on how to use LinkedIn ® Youniversity, read LinkedIn ® Official Blog article, Social + Data = Better Decisions for Students. I would love to hear how you or your college student children are using these new LinkedIn ® features. And if you don’t have my book yet and you want to know how to optimize the value you get from LinkedIn ® as a job seeker, business person, or student, just go How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn ® Profile. If you purchase the book in PDF format, youll receive unlimited lifetime updates! Finally, if youd like me to address a particular LinkedIn ® topic you dont see covered in my book or blog, just email me at with your suggestion. The answer to your question might be featured in the next edition! Category:Archived ArticlesBy Brenda BernsteinDecember 8, 2014

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Local Motors co-creation model Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Local Motors co-creation model - Case Study Example Moreover the design talent is easy to identify but not all the designs are easy to develop and build them into new cars. On the other hand, the pro of this co-creation model is that it enables LM to come up with a new way of thinking in the car industry, which is â€Å"Design by the crowd, built by the customer†. Furthermore, microfactories, which have been built around USA and where cars are manufactured, can be optimal places for the customers and LM to cooperate and coordinate. Built by the customer is Local Motors’ community-oriented marketing strategy. LM also wants to encourage customers to bring their family and friends during the building of their car to not only give a customer-friendly and personal touch to the process but also to lessen the work load of LM staffs. However, the disadvantage with this process is that many potential customers might not have the â€Å"time or the enthusiasm about cars to spend weekends cooped up in a factory† (Norton and D ann, 2011). This innovative strategy has attracted many new customers and car enthusiastic to follow and be part of the community. 2.  How did the co-creation model unfold in practice?The central to Local Motor's co-creation model in practice is attracting a robust set of both professional and amateur car designers who could design the cars that LM would build. In that direction, LM along with its contractors began work to build an online community in which designers can post their car designs or design concepts, as well as suggest and collaborate on others' designs.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum Assignment

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum - Assignment Example For example, teachers can conduct research, introduce their research in the classrooms, share it with other teachers and after seeing the effectiveness of the research, can be supportive in making it a part of the curriculum. 2. Robert Glaser/Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI) Robert Glaser made a curriculum by making use of the standards of RD&D model for curriculum change, which he named as Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI). IPI can be defined as a systematic approach to learning (Posner, 1995). Glaser intended to implement the standards of the RD&D model to the whole curriculum employed by primary and secondary classes through IPI. This approach individualizes the children as the students are allowed to learn with the support of technology. Teachers and students both can assess the behavior of the student in learning and understand the curriculum. For example, students gain instructions and curriculum details with the support of computerized technology. Each of them has his own instruction to follow. 3. Collaborative Approaches as related to Curriculum Change The collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change were created after finding weaknesses in the RD&D model. The approach highlights that better teaching is based on experience and knowledge acquisition of teachers about their profession (Posner, 1995). Teachers are able o learn better by viewing other teachers’ teaching and sharing their notions with one another. Teachers and students should be collaborative in developing curriculums and bringing in a change in the curriculum. An example of collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change is to incorporate new and innovative materials such as computer usage in the curriculum by collecting the viewpoints of teachers and students collaboratively. Chapters 10 and 11 1. Purposes of Evaluation The purposes of evaluation sometimes disagree with one another. The academic institutions generally need evaluation data that t hey can reveal to the stakeholders and financers for showing the efficiency of their system (Posner, 1995). This evaluation data is provided as a source of measurement of the presentation of the academic institution for advertising purposes. In addition, the evaluation is conducted as a certified activity to assess the performance of individual educators in order to scrutinize and make better the learning strategies that they intend to provide. The profiles and yearly results of students given in newspapers and meetings for performance evaluation with the support of evaluation data are examples of purposes of evaluation. 2. Standardized Tests Standardized tests can be defined as a collection of questions with an acknowledged collection of most probably accurate answers (Posner, 1995). The standardized tests are assessments that are supervised and evaluated by following certain standards. Consistency can be found in standardized tests. Every student has to give the answers already as signed as correct answers. For example, a test in which, multiple choices are allowed with each correct answer already known to the checker.     Ã‚  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Essay Example for Free

Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Essay Financial management is very crucial in today’s health care financial procedures. It is one the most important aspects of the financial health care. There are many assessments made- based the financial records and the business transactions that occur within the health care organization. It is crucial the financial records are kept up- to -date and they follow specific guidelines. The books kept up- to- date and in order, this will show the amount of money being brought into the organization for profit and the amount of money the organization has lost in profit. One thing that may cause the honesty of the organization to be on the brinks is the organization financial management and the correctness of the financial books. This paper is about information that will address financial reporting practices and ethics. It will address four financial management functions, summaries that accept accounting principles by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It will also give an example from an article that has reflected ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting. The basic four components of financial management are planning, controlling, organizing and directing and decision making. The preparation is responsibility for financial management to recognize the purposes of the health care organization. The planning step is to â€Å"set directions and allocates resources, the organizing step brings people and material resources together in working condition, the leading step inspires people to best utilize these resources, and the controlling step checks that the right things happen, in the right way, and at the right time† (Lombardi, Schermerhorn, amp; Kramer, 2007,). Controlling is the process of the financial management to ensure that each department of the organization are going by the procedures that was decided. The financial manager should have the reports available to study the most recent financial reports. The reports will help to select what department needs the most consideration to keep the organization going. Organizing and directing is the responsibility of the financial manager to decide in what way to make use of the funds of the organizations most efficiently. Resources such as assets will help the manager to ensure the goals of the healthcare organizations are accomplished. Directing is an everyday job provided that control and support. The final step in the element in financial management is decision making. Planning, organizing, and controlling is a correspondence with the decision making process. The choices will be by the financial manager based on evaluation, analysis and information. Generally accepted accounting principles is a set of financial recommendations used for financial accounting. The recommendations are for preparing financial statements and for setting standards for organizations accountants. According to Baker (2011), â€Å" One of the requirements of GAAP is that unrestricted fund balances be separated from restricted fund balances on the statements, so you see two appropriate line items (restricted and unrestricted) in the fund balance section† (p. 108). GAAP are the rules of accounting. Those guidelines are to arrange the reporting of financial statements that will include the cash flow statements, income statements, and the balance sheet. With the reply of these responsibilities, the Organization of Managing Bookkeepers declared principles of moral conduct for employees of managing bookkeeping and financial management. The principles take account for confidentiality, integrity, and competence. A person must maintain knowledge and the necessary skills is what includes competence. They must always maintain their professional responsibilities and duties in accordance with related rules, technical standards, and regulations. Confidentiality when one should not disclose confidential information, such as health records except when given the right authority to do so. Integrity has the responsibility not to engage in activities that would affect prejudgment, favors that will influence their actions and decision making. According to† Ethical Standards† (n. d),â€Å"Specialists of managing bookkeeping and monetarist managing partake an commitment to the community, their line of work, the institute they work for and themselves, to uphold the utmost principles of decent manner. Hewlett-Packard Company CEO, Mark Hurd turn out to be mixed up in the workplace. According to (Healthfield, 2012), â€Å"Mr. Hurd had failed to disclose a close personal relationship he had with a contractor that constituted a conflict of interest† . †Mr. Hurd also â€Å"failed to maintain accurate expense reports, and misused company assets. † This is an example that reflect ethical standards of conduct a nd financial reporting practices. Practicing accuracy end honesty will help continue the capacity to never misuse the financial systems, and abide by the laws laid out by GAAP. Organizations are providing their employees with the necessary training that will equip them as well as sustain the reporting practices operational but at the time use the similar procedures and show them new procedures. Fraud and abuse is something everyone know when being ethical. By using the GAAP guidelines, keeping the organizational ethics and policies would be free from abuse and fraud. By following the guidelines that comes from the GAAP, they can help prevent fraud and abuse from happening in the health care organization itself. These guidelines are there to help the organization benefit so they will always be ready in case there may come a time when they have to show their financial documents to a third party. Therefore in conclusion, it a major responsibility in financial reporting practices and ethics. Financial managers should implement the four elements of financial management in their reports to avoid fraud, abuse and the risk of breaking ethics. Managers should know how to plan, control, organize and directing and decision making. They should always incorporate the GAAP rules and regulations in order to avoid unethical rulings.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Liberation Of Women In Foreign Countries :: essays research papers fc

Liberation of Men’s â€Å"Better Half†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout history, stereotypes of women- ideological, ethnic, and sexual- seem to exist in all societies. Today and throughout history, women have benn viewed on many, many different ways. Throughout most of history, and in most cultures and societies, women were viewed as â€Å"the weaker half† and their purpose was to run the house and take care of things such as cooking and the kids. Via much reform in the United States, American women today are for the most part, viewed as equals to men, and given an equal chance to succeed in life. Unfortunately, many countries and regions of the world, even today, treat women terribly and with no respect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The subject of women and their placement in Chinese society has been an ongoing topic for years, dating back to the beginning of China, as we know it. In China it has taken an entire political movement to reveal the importance of one half of the human race. In many books such as William Hinton’s Fanshen, Jack Belden’s China Shakes the World, and Edgar Snow’s Red Star Over China, the changing placement of Chinese women is a major part of the story. Women fought and started working, women spoke out and marched and they stood up for themselves. The idea of women’s Liberation (women obtaining equal status with men) in China was a long and hard fought struggle that took much fighting and brave people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women’s Liberation in China began with the democratic revolution (attempt to overturn the feudal rule of a landlord class), and completed in the socialist revolution. With the increasing amount of bankruptcy in the rural economy over the past few years, men’s domination over women has been weakened. â€Å"The authority of the husband is getting shakier every day†. (Ching-Ling, 202)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The speed of the Women’s Liberation movement closely resembled the advance of the democratic revolution. In 1930, women’s status was apparently raised because of the eve of the war against Japanese aggression. At the time, there were already schools where co-education was established. Some, not just a few, were employed as doctors, teachers and hospital nurses. At this time, there were many women engaged in textile industries, but they were discriminated against because they received lower wages than their male counterparts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the end of the war against the Japanese, (around 1950) under the Communist government, the movement was accelerated. Women began to work in all different fields, even the military.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Mise-en-scene denotes the varying elements that are placed in a scene. This includes the camera needed components that are used to generate meaning –costume/lighting/acting and the types of shots used and camera techniques/movements. Thus the main function of Mise-en-scene is to add to the narrative by creating meaning, allowing creative expression through the physical  manipulation of each scene. The chosen film is Bram Stokers Dracula, 1992. The establishing shot begins with Vladimir turning against God.From the onset strong religious symbolism such as and Islamic crescent as a shadow on a map and a crucifix falling to the ground are present. The non-diagetic sound that is heard creates a dramatic tone with a building crescendo when the battle commences with Vladimir kissing the Cross. The battle is portrayed similar to a marionette show surrounded by blazing fire, creating a mystical atmosphere. The use of subtitles when Vladimir is informed of his wife’s suicide a gain supports a mythical ambience and shifts Vladimir’s belief in God, by throwing down his sword blood pours from the freshly pierced cross.Binary opposition is present with Good vs. Evil with the blood covering the ground. This represents the smother effect of evil. The responder is then presented with a shift from the current scene to the bitter sites of London a desolate contrast to the just occurred. We are informed of the date and situation emphasising that we are now viewing the present opposed to a the past. Meaning is primarily shaped by mise-en-scene in the opening sequence due to very thin dialogue.The narration by Anthony Hopkins helps the responder link meaning to the mise-en-scene. The elements such as the Crescent’s shadow or the falling cross allow us to realise who is fighting and the location. Due to the fact that the meaning is created through both a mixture of mise-en-scene and dialogue through comparative analysis we are able to assume what the tru e meaning is. However in this scene the mise-en-scene is more effective element than dialogue due to the minimal discourse present.The main genre of Bram Stokers Dracula is Horror and uses the typical mise-en-scene associated with this genre. Blood, fire, demonic creates, ominous lighting (red/black), quick camera movement and death all reflect that of a horror film. We can conclude from this that much of the mise-en-scene is determined by the genre. Also the narrative of the film is in contrast to what the mise-en-scene indicates. Dracula goes to England to seduce Jonathan Harker’s fiance and inflict havoc.With analysais of the mise-en-scene we assume that Dracula yearns to inflict havoc, due to the evil looking eye in the sky, the dark ominous lighting. However with support from the dialogue it informs the responder that Dracula feels for his lost wife. Overall the mise-en-scene supports particular aspects of the narrative whilst conveying a gothic and evil atmosphere.Bibli ography  : Bordwell D. and Thompson K. , 2003. Film Art: An Introduction. 7th ed. Mcgraw-Hill Gibbs, J. , 2002. Mise-En-Scene: Film style and interpretation. 1st ed. Wallflower press Mise-En-Scene Mise-en-scene denotes the varying elements that are placed in a scene. This includes the camera needed components that are used to generate meaning –costume/lighting/acting and the types of shots used and camera techniques/movements. Thus the main function of Mise-en-scene is to add to the narrative by creating meaning, allowing creative expression through the physical  manipulation of each scene. The chosen film is Bram Stokers Dracula, 1992. The establishing shot begins with Vladimir turning against God.From the onset strong religious symbolism such as and Islamic crescent as a shadow on a map and a crucifix falling to the ground are present. The non-diagetic sound that is heard creates a dramatic tone with a building crescendo when the battle commences with Vladimir kissing the Cross. The battle is portrayed similar to a marionette show surrounded by blazing fire, creating a mystical atmosphere. The use of subtitles when Vladimir is informed of his wife’s suicide a gain supports a mythical ambience and shifts Vladimir’s belief in God, by throwing down his sword blood pours from the freshly pierced cross.Binary opposition is present with Good vs. Evil with the blood covering the ground. This represents the smother effect of evil. The responder is then presented with a shift from the current scene to the bitter sites of London a desolate contrast to the just occurred. We are informed of the date and situation emphasising that we are now viewing the present opposed to a the past. Meaning is primarily shaped by mise-en-scene in the opening sequence due to very thin dialogue.The narration by Anthony Hopkins helps the responder link meaning to the mise-en-scene. The elements such as the Crescent’s shadow or the falling cross allow us to realise who is fighting and the location. Due to the fact that the meaning is created through both a mixture of mise-en-scene and dialogue through comparative analysis we are able to assume what the tru e meaning is. However in this scene the mise-en-scene is more effective element than dialogue due to the minimal discourse present.The main genre of Bram Stokers Dracula is Horror and uses the typical mise-en-scene associated with this genre. Blood, fire, demonic creates, ominous lighting (red/black), quick camera movement and death all reflect that of a horror film. We can conclude from this that much of the mise-en-scene is determined by the genre. Also the narrative of the film is in contrast to what the mise-en-scene indicates. Dracula goes to England to seduce Jonathan Harker’s fiance and inflict havoc.With analysais of the mise-en-scene we assume that Dracula yearns to inflict havoc, due to the evil looking eye in the sky, the dark ominous lighting. However with support from the dialogue it informs the responder that Dracula feels for his lost wife. Overall the mise-en-scene supports particular aspects of the narrative whilst conveying a gothic and evil atmosphere.Bibli ography  : Bordwell D. and Thompson K. , 2003. Film Art: An Introduction. 7th ed. Mcgraw-Hill Gibbs, J. , 2002. Mise-En-Scene: Film style and interpretation. 1st ed. Wallflower press

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Roman Catholic Saints

Well there are over 2,500 according to Roman Catholicism sources, but no definitive count. This is because many were put into saint hood a long time ago by popular demand of the people. How the Church chooses saints Canonization, the process the Church uses to name a saint, has only been used since the tenth century. For hundreds of years, saints were chosen by public acclaim. Though this was a more democratic way to recognize saints, some saints' stories were distorted by legend and some never existed. Gradually, the bishops and finally the Vatican took over authority for approving saints. In 1983, Pope John Paul II made sweeping changes in the canonization procedure. The process begins after the death of a Catholic whom people regard as holy. Often, the process starts many years after death in order give perspective on the candidate. The local bishop investigates the candidate's life and writings for heroic virtue. Then a panel of theologians at the Vatican evaluates the candidate. After approval by the panel and cardinals of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the pope proclaims the candidate â€Å"venerable. The next step, beatification, requires evidence of one miracle (except in the case of martyrs). Since miracles are considered proof that the person is in heaven and can intercede for us, the miracle must take place after the candidate's death and as a result of a specific petition to the candidate. When the pope proclaims the candidate beatified or â€Å"blessed,† the person can be venerated by a particular region or group of people with whom the person holds special importance. Only after one more miracle will the pope canonize the saint (this includes martyrs as well). The title of saint tells us that the person lived a holy life, is in heaven, and is to be honored by the universal Church. Canonization does not â€Å"make† a person a saint; it recognizes what God has already done. When the church began honoring saints By the year 100 A. D. , Christians were honoring other Christians who had died, and asking for their intercession. Many people think that honoring saints was something the Church set up later, but it was part of Christianity from the very beginning. As a matter of fact, this practice came from a long-standing tradition in the Jewish faith of honoring prophets and holy people with shrines. The first saints were martyrs, people who had given up their lives for the Faith in the persecution of Christians. Keeping statues or pictures is not idolatry Look at the pictures of your loved ones in your wallet or around your home or office. Why do you keep these particular pictures? You might answer that you carry those pictures to remind you of people you love, to help you feel that they're close to you when you're not together, or to share with people you meet. But you probably didn't say you worshipped them. Those are some of the same reasons we have statues and pictures of saints. Seeing a statue of Saint Therese of Lisieux who lost her mother when she was a child might make us feel less alone when we are grieving. A picture of Saint Francis of Assisi might remind us of how much he loved God's creation and make us more aware of our environment. We pray with saints We pray with saints, not to them. Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you when you were having a hard time? Why did you choose to ask that person? You may have chosen someone you could trust, or someone who understood your problem, or someone who was close to God. Those are all reasons we ask saints to pray for us in times of trouble. Since saints led holy lives and are close to God in heaven, we feel that their prayers are particularly effective. Often we ask particular saints to pray for us if we feel they have a particular interest in our problem. For example, many people ask Saint Monica to pray for them if they have trouble with unanswered prayers, because Monica prayed for twenty years for her son to be converted. Finally her prayers were answered in a way she never dreamed of — her son, Augustine, became a canonized saint and a Doctor of the Church. Bread and Wine Symbol Bread and Wine/Wheat and Grapes: Because of the bread and wine they produce, the symbols of wheat and grapes are often used to designate the Eucharist. Bread is the basic food of every culture and of every age in human history. Made from the toil of human hands, the many grains of wheat are transformed and become one to nourish and sustain us. A meal, in which bread is broken and shared, becomes a means of bonding human beings together. This is the sign Jesus used to describe Himself as the â€Å"Bread of Life. Following His command, in faith we take and eat this Bread, His Body, and become one with Him. From ancient times wine is associated with banquets, joy and celebration, a gift of God to gladden our hearts. The grapes, like the grains of wheat used for bread, are fruits of the earth and give of themselves in order that we might celebrate and be glad. This sign which Jesus used for His Blood, speaks to us of giving and of sacrifice in order that we might enjoy the benefits of His love in the banquet which is the foretaste of heavenly joy

Friday, November 8, 2019

Private Schools Capital Campaigns

Private Schools Capital Campaigns Many schools want to keep their tuitions as low as possible to attract the most diverse student and parent body possible, so raising their tuition costs is not always an option.  Private schools do not cover all of their operating expenses from tuition payments; in fact, at many schools, tuition payments alone only cover about 60-80% of operating expenses, and therefore schools must also use  fundraising efforts  to cover their daily expenses. But what about special needs? Schools also need to raise money for future expenses, and to increase their endowments. Private schools typically have an Annual Fund, which is a set amount of money that the school raises each year to cover the costs of educating their students that are not met by tuition and fees. But what happens when theres an extenuating need for renovation of facilities or purchase of expensive equipment? Those needs are typically met by what is called a Capital Campaign, a fundraising effort designed to cover the massive expense of renovating their current buildings, constructing new buildings, greatly enhancing financial aid budgets and adding to their endowments. But what makes a Capital Campaign successful? Lets look at what one school did to lead one of the most successful Capital Campaigns in private schools. The Westminster Schools’ Capital Campaign The Westminster Schools, a co-ed Christian school in Atlanta, Georgia, for students in pre-first through twelfth grade, led one of the most successful private school capital campaigns in recent years. Westminster is one of only a few private schools that have managed to raise over $100 million as part of a capital campaign; the school has the largest endowment of any non-boarding school in the nation. Westminster Schools enrolls over 1,800 students on its 180-acre campus. About 26% of the students represent people of color, and 15% of students receive need-based financial aid. The school was founded in 1951 as a reorganization of the North Avenue Presbyterian School, a girls’ school. In 1953, the Washington Seminary, a girls’ school founded in 1878 that was the alma mater of Gone with the Wind author Margaret Mitchell, also merged with Westminster. Westminster Schools has long been a pioneer in Southeastern private schools, as it hosted a pilot program for advanced s tudies that eventually became Advanced Placement or AP coursework offered by the College Board, and it was also one of the first schools in the South to integrate in the 1960s. According to its press release, Westminster Schools launched a capital campaign in October of 2006 and completed it in January of 2011, having raised $101.4 million in the midst of a recession. The â€Å"Teaching for Tomorrow† campaign was an effort to secure the best teachers for the school in the years to come. More than 8,300 donors contributed to the capital campaign, among them current and past parents, alumni/ae, grandparents, friends, and local and national foundations. The President of the school, Bill Clarkson, credited the school’s focus on teaching with its success in raising funds. He believed that the campaign’s emphasis on excellence in teaching enabled the campaign to raise funds, even in difficult economic times. According to an article in the Atlanta Business Chronicle, $31.6 million from the Westminster Schools capital campaign will be dedicated to faculty hiring, $21.1 million to constructing a new junior high building, $8 million to continuing the school’s commitment to diversity, $2.3 million to promote global awareness, $10 million for community service programs, $18.8 million to foster annual giving, and $9.3 million in unrestricted endowment funding. The school’s current strategic plan calls for an increased focus on globalization, including teaching its students to thrive in an interconnected world; on technology, including teaching its students to understand how to deal with the increasing complexity of technology; and on educational research and conducting studies to determine whether teachers are using the most effective methods of instruction and whether the school’s current methods of assessment are truly helping students learn. As the school passes its 60th anniversary, the success of its capital campaign is helping it achieve its strategic goals. Article edited by  Stacy Jagodowski  -  stacyjago

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Nicaragua Geography, History, Climate Facts

Nicaragua Geography, History, Climate Facts Population: 5,891,199 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: ManaguaBordering Countries: Costa Rica and HondurasLand Area: 50,336 square miles (130,370 sq km)Coastline: 565 miles (910 km)Highest Point: Mogoton at 7,998 feet (2,438 m) Nicaragua is a country located in Central America to the south of Honduras and to the north of Costa Rica. It is the largest country by area in Central America and its capital and largest city is Managua. One-quarter of the countrys population lives in the city. Like many other countries in Central America, Nicaragua is known for its high levels of biodiversity and unique ecosystems. History of Nicaragua Nicaraguas name comes from its native peoples that lived there in the late 1400s and early 1500s. Their chief was named Nicarao. Europeans did not arrive in Nicaragua until 1524 when Hernandez de Cordoba founded Spanish settlements there. In 1821, Nicaragua gained its independence from Spain. Following its independence, Nicaragua underwent frequent civil wars as rival political groups struggled for power. In 1909, the United States intervened in the country after hostilities grew between Conservatives and Liberals due to plans to build a trans-isthmian canal. From 1912 to 1933, the U.S. had troops in the country to prevent hostile actions towards Americans working on the canal there. In 1933, U.S. troops left Nicaragua and Nation Guard Commander Anastasio Somoza Garcia became president in 1936. He attempted to keep strong ties with the U.S. and his two sons succeeded him in office. In 1979, there was an uprising by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and the Somoza familys time in office ended. Shortly thereafter, the FSLN formed a dictatorship under leader Daniel Ortega. The actions of Ortega and his dictatorship ended friendly relations with the U.S. and in 1981, the U.S. suspended all foreign aid to Nicaragua. In 1985, an embargo was also placed on trade between the two countries. In 1990 due to pressure from within and outside of Nicaragua, Ortegas regime agreed to hold elections in February of that year. Violeta Barrios de Chamorro won the election. During Chamorros time in office, Nicaragua moved toward creating a more democratic government, stabilizing the economy and improving human rights issues that had occurred during Ortegas time in office. In 1996, there was another election and the former mayor of Managua, Arnoldo Aleman won the presidency. Alemans presidency, however, had severe issues with corruption and in 2001, Nicaragua again held presidential elections. This time, Enrique Bolanos won the presidency and his campaign pledged to improve the economy, build jobs and end government corruption. Despite these goals,  however, subsequent Nicaraguan elections have been marred with corruption and in 2006 Daniel Ortega ​Saavdra, an FSLN candidate, was elected. Government of Nicaragua Today Nicaraguas government is considered a republic. It has an executive branch made up of a chief of state and a head of government, both of which are filled by the president and a legislative branch comprised of a unicameral National Assembly. Nicaraguas judicial branch consists of a Supreme Court. Nicaragua is divided into 15 departments and two autonomous regions for local administration. Economics and Land Use in Nicaragua Nicaragua is considered the poorest country in Central America and as such, it has very high unemployment and poverty. Its economy is based mainly on agriculture and industry, with its top industrial products being food processing, chemicals, machinery and metal products, textiles, clothing, petroleum refining and distribution, beverages, footwear,  and wood. Nicaraguas main crops are coffee, bananas, sugarcane, cotton, rice, corn, tobacco, sesame, soya, and beans. Beef, veal, pork, poultry, dairy products, shrimp,  and lobster are also large industries in Nicaragua.​ Geography, Climate,  and Biodiversity of Nicaragua Nicaragua is a large country located in Central America between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Its terrain is mostly coastal plains that eventually rise up to interior mountains. On the Pacific side of the country, there is a narrow coastal plain that is dotted with volcanoes. The climate of Nicaragua is considered tropical in its lowlands with cool temperatures at its higher elevations. Nicaraguas capital, Managua, has warm temperatures year-round that hover around 88ËšF (31ËšC). Nicaragua is known for its biodiversity because rainforest covers 7,722 square miles (20,000 sq km) of the countrys Caribbean lowlands. As such, Nicaragua is home to large cats like the jaguar and cougar, as well as primates, insects and a plethora of different plants. More Facts About Nicaragua Nicaraguas life expectancy is 71.5 years Nicaraguas Independence Day is September 15 Spanish is the official language of Nicaragua but English and other native languages are also spoken Sources: Central Intelligence Agency. CIA - The World Factbook - Nicaragua. (n.d.). Nicaragua: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- States Department of State. Nicaragua.  Ã‚  Nicaragua - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.  Ã‚

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ethics, Morals, and Criminals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics, Morals, and Criminals - Research Paper Example A few examples to mention could be company ethics, professional ethics, family ethics, or school ethics those who are participants in such establishments or institutions should have to adhere to. The outcome of such outlook is individual moral codes or values do not change often, while ethics can change depending on what the particular participation of individuals are. Accordingly, what ethics refers to is right way and wrong way of doing things or acceptable and unacceptable behavior in a given setup such as a workplace. Sources such as Josephine had what he called the Six Pillars individuals can use to improve their ethical approach when they make decisions. These Pillars are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Keeping them in mind while making decisions will enable individuals to harbor an ethical approach all the time. Individuals could also learn ethical norms starting from their own homes and then can capitalize on what they encounter in schools, churches, and eventually in the various social settings they could participate in. This means that individuals will start to make themselves familiar with what is right and wrong starting from their childhood. ... The reason for that could be the action might have overridden the legal rules that are put in place to govern individual behavior. However, ethics and moral are much broader than laws introduced by a given body such as a government and ethics and moral values are different from laws. The reason for that is a given action might be considered to be adhering to what the law requires, but when looking at the end result it is possible to find out it was unethical and vice versa where some actions might be illegal, but ethical. This kind of approach might be applicable in organizations where it is possible to engage in unethical behavior in order to benefit oneself or through a process of carrying out one’s duty when, for example, a medical practitioner carries out abortion some consider to be unethical or when a criminal lawyer has to defend a criminal that he or she knows could have committed a given crime, simply because their professional ethics require them to do so. There is a lso an outright criminal activity that could take place at workplace where at a higher level some company or government officials would decide to benefit themselves wrongfully by breaking company ethics codes or government regulations and policies. At a lower level employees could engage in larceny that will force them to break the law, as well as break the ethical code of the company they work for that forbids such activity, while at the same time they disregard their own moral values. Criminals When it comes to those labeled as â€Å"common criminals† the reason behind their action is more complicated than applying the rules of ethics and moral, because some of them, for various reasons explained below might not even be aware of the existence of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Describe all the issues about which Sister Aloysius could have doubts Essay

Describe all the issues about which Sister Aloysius could have doubts , going from the least important to the most important. ( - Essay Example It is very shocking that Sister Aloysius could have the potential of turning into a doubting Thomas given the dogmatic image of one who never had any doubt in her life (Shanley 22). In an effort to make this issue sink even further, it is revealed that Sister Aloysius told a lie. This is against the fact that it is a very strong Catholic dogma that no any lie of any sort ought to be encouraged leave alone being told (Waldmeir 34). This very rigid law is held even in circumstances where the lie could be the solitary tool in defeating the devil. Despite being a very sincere and devoted servant of God, Sister Aloysius finds herself in a very compromising situation. She is unwillingly introduced to the Machiavellian relativism. Sister Aloysius goes further to encapsulate humanity’s doubt in its last century. It is at this very point that Sister Aloysius openly abandons absolutism (Books Llc 43). The very step that Sister Aloysius takes in abandoning absolutism violates greatly the vow that she had personally taken in an effort to affirm her obedience to the church which was aimed at catching the pedophile (Waldmeir 79). As the play progresses, it comes to the realization that Sister Aloysius is very important when the hierarchy fails to work. At this point in time, Sister Aloysius transforms into the prosecutor, the jury and even the judge. This step marks the beginning of Sister Aloysius to fall in the slippery tracks already built by the principle of moral relativism. This rings a question to the mind of the reader as to whether it is really possible for anyone to offer any defense or support to moral absolutes if at all Sister Aloysius cannot do it. It therefore possesses yet another doubt on how truly the aspect of evil could be effectively stopped (Shengold 51). A heavy doubt lingers on whether there can be any staged war against the issue of evil if at all the absolutes being in place. Faith has now escaped and the only thing that is present is doubt w hich is being portrayed as having captured every individual. As the play progresses, it is notable that boundaries are being set for the rapid spread of doubt. This can be seen in the case that involves Aloysius the pedophile. It is very clear that Sister Aloysius is borrowing heavily from intuition in handling these particular cases (Bryer 61). The evidence that is presented by Aloysius proves to be more flimsy as compared to the evidence that comes from WMDs who are located in Iraq. In this particular case, Sister Aloysius is vey much in doubt about the case since the audience is further informed that if at all she could have been successful in accessing the right results then only luck could be the propelling force (Books Llc 82). The doubt that Sister Aloysius has is in regard to the spiritual issue. This is brought out clearly in the book. It is in regard to this that Sister Aloysius argues that if at all by any chance the society is filled with evil doers as he presumes, then she could put in contribution to the evil activities and move away further from God. Despite the fact that history was filled with evil doers who were acting from fierce conviction such as suicide bombers, witch hunters, Mullahs and the Inquisitors these people act form the conviction that they are protecting children (Shanley 19). As a matter of fact, it is in reference to these very